April 8, 2022
RE: ATV/UTV use recommendations in the Town of York as decided by the Plan Commission
After reviewing public comment, researching, and discussing the issue; the Plan Commission believes that:
● ATV/UTVs were not designed to be driven on the road and should not be an allowed use in the Town of
● Safety of our residents is our primary responsibility.
● Many of our roads have limited sight distance, curves, hills and no shoulder or safe place to pull aside.
● The Town will receive no financial benefit from allowing ATV/UTV usage.
If the Board deems it necessary to allow the usage we recommend that the following be considered:
1. The safety of our roads for vehicle traffic
2. Consider special organization of planned rides and special events in lieu of opening the roads year round.
3. The liability of allowing such an activity: consult an attorney and create our own Ordinance, in line with our Town’s
Vision Statement
4. Obtain 95% buy-in from the landowners adjacent to Town roads being considered for an ATV route. Those
residents will be most affected by the change in Town policy.
5. Consider a proposed route limited to the south west corner of the Town along Guild Hill Road and Yankee Hollow
Road to connect existing routes. Guild Hill would easily connect the Town of Blanchard to the Town of Adams via
Sawmill Road.
6. Posting of signage for trail routes to be paid for by the ATV/UTV club, including funds to cover our patrolman’s
time to install and upkeep the signage.
Respectfully submitted by Bethany Storm, Town of York Plan Commission Chair.