Town of York, Green County, Wisconsin
Minutes of Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
The meeting was called to order by Dan Truttmann at 7:03 pm. The meeting was held in person and as a video conference on Zoom. Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor Travis Leonard, 2nd Supervisor Aaron Gifford, and Clerk-Treasurer Marilyn Zipsie were present. Verification of proper notice was given.
Public Comment – There were no public comments.
Minutes of 08/08/2023 Town Board Meeting – Minutes for the Tuesday, 09/12/2023 Town Board Meeting and Tuesday, 09/19/23 Special Town Board Meeting were reviewed and approved by unanimous consent.
Treasurer’s Report & Bills to be Paid- The Treasurer’s Report and bills to be paid were presented. Dan Truttmann moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and bills to be paid as presented; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried.
Patrolman’s Report- Lance Moen reported he cleaned up downed trees/branches. The Ford received a new battery. Cutting edge was put on the International. County is finishing crack fillings. Kuenzi Lane ditch was built up to prevent washout.
Weed Commissioner Report- Aaron Gifford had nothing new to report.
Plan Commission Report– April Prussia reported the Plan Commission met to discuss examples and scenarios for revision to the Land Division Ordinance. Town attorney will be consulted again before draft is made, with the goal being to present the draft at the next Town Board Meeting.
Chairman’s Report– Dan Truttmann reported he had two calls regarding zoning issues, specifically regarding a tiny house and “green” burials. The parties involved were referred to Green County Zoning.
Business Items-
Jim Oasen Driveway Refund, W7696 Hwy 39: Tabled until the November 2023 Town Board meeting.
Kuenzi CSM: Motion was made by Dan Truttmann to approve a CSM on Lot 1 of 3.06 acres (Job #23169); second by Aaron Gifford. Motion carried.
Orloff CSM: Dan Truttmann made a motion to approve a CSM of 3.63 acres, Section 18, Lot 2 (Job #23116); second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried.
New Glarus Fire District Budget: Dan Truttmann made a motion to approve the New Glarus Fire District Budget as presented, $20,657.69; second by Aaron Gifford. Motion carried.
Possible Application for Town Livestock Facility License: Scenario of a possible application for a Livestock Facility License was discussed. The Town has a Livestock Ordinance, but currently the Town does not have a license to exceed 750 animals. More research will be done on the matter in consultation with Town attorney.
2024 Town Budget: Budget process was discussed. A Special Board Meeting was set for Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 6 p.m. to work on the budget.
Adjournment- Travis Leonard moved to adjourn; second by Aaron Gifford. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Zipsie, Clerk-Treasurer
Approved at 11/14/2023 Board meeting.