Property Tax Info and FAQ's
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) and the corresponding answers:
Q1: When are tax bills mailed?
A: Tax bills are required to be mailed by December 15 but are usually available via Green County’s website the first week in December.
Q2: Where can I get a receipt, copy or reprint of my property tax bill?
A: All Green County Property Tax Bills are available online from the Green County website – Land Records System
Bill and Receipt Instructions: click here for instructions
Q3: How can I make my payment?
1. Mail Payment (make check payable to “TOWN OF YORK“) to:
Green County Treasurer
1016 16th Avenue
Monroe, WI 53566
Receipt request: There is no longer a need to include a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) with your payment or to request a paper copy receipt of your payment. All receipts can be obtained online from the Green County website as instructed in Q2 above.
All payments with a postmark date of December 31 will be posted as of the current year. All payments with a postmark after December 31 will be posted in the following year.
All payments or second installments must be mailed to:
Green County Treasurer
1016 16th Avenue
Monroe, WI 53566
2. Electronic check or credit card payments can be made at: and click on PAY TAXES ONLINE
Two party escrow checks need to be endorsed by the taxpayer(s). Escrow checks in excess of taxes owed will be accepted and the balance refunded to the taxpayer mailed out after the next monthly board meeting. Questions – most efficient communication is via email at If you do not have email access, please call the Town of York Clerk-Treasurer at (608) 527-8125.
A: No. All payments must be mailed to Green County Treasurer at the above address.
Q5: Some property owners believe that their check has to be cashed prior to 12/31 to count on their CURRENT YEAR taxes.
A: This is incorrect. As long as Green County receives payment either by December 31 or it has a postmark date on the envelope no later than December 31, the county is required to post the payment in the system for the current year.
Q6: Another assumption is that your tax preparer needs to have a receipt of the payment, but in actuality they just need to confirm the amount you paid (which can be done by either a receipt of your payment or a copy of the cashed check when it clears their bank).
A: The earliest a person can do their taxes would be on February 1st as they should wait for all applicable tax forms such as 1099’s, W-2’s, etc. that are sent out by January 31st. So, in this case, the check will have cleared by then.
There is no longer a need to include a SASE with your payment or to request a paper copy receipt of your payment. All receipts can be obtained online from the Green County website as instructed in Q1 above.
Q7: Need to sign-up for the lottery credit?
A: If you owned your home on January 1st of the current tax year and used it as your primary residence you may qualify for a lottery credit on your tax bill. You are eligible for the state lottery credit if:
- the property is your primary residence, AND
- you have owned and lived in the home as of January 1st until present.
You may also claim a lottery credit if you moved into your home during the current tax year (after January 1st) and you can attest that to the best of your knowledge the previous owner used the property as their primary residence. However, the lottery credit is not available for new construction that was completed after January 1st.
Lottery Credit – Frequently Asked Questions (Link to Wisconsin Department of Revenue Website)
How to Claim a Lottery Credit The City cannot accept lottery credit requests after January 31st. If you qualify for a lottery credit but did not have one on your tax bill, you can fill out a late lottery credit form to request the credit. Click on the link below to download a claim form. After January 31st claim forms must be sent to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. Forms must be received by the Department of Revenue by October 1st. Late Lottery Credit Form
Q8: Where do I find tax information?
A: Refer to Q2 above.
Q10: What is the POWTS tax charge?
A: (According to Adam Wiegel, Green County Zoning Administrator) In 2000, the State of Wisconsin mandated that all Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (POWTS) be inspected by a qualified individual (service provider) at least once every three years. In the past the County sent notification to property owners on a green sheet of paper titled “Private Sewage system maintenance certification form”. It was required that the form be signed by a service provider and returned to the Zoning Department along with the required maintenance fee. Recently the County upgraded its POWTS tracking system. One of the main features of the program is the ability for your service provider to report your maintenance online. On August 13, 2019 the Green County Board approved placing the maintenance fee on your tax bill as a special assessment. All property owners in the County whose properties are served by a POWTS tracked by the County’s maintenance program will be charged a $10 annual fee to be used to administer the maintenance program. If the tax parcel ID or the number of systems on the reverse side of this card are not correct, please contact the Zoning Office so it can be noted in the tracking system by October 21, 2019. Any question in regard to the program update, fee appearing on the tax bill or any other matter contact the Zoning office, not the Treasures office. The Zoning Department can be reached at (608) 328-9423 or Zoning Staff appreciates your attention in regards to this matter. This fee has been increased to $12 starting with the 2024 tax bills. Any questions on this charge should be directed to the Green County Zoning office.
Q11: Why don’t I see Personal Property on my tax bill anymore?
A: Personal Property was removed from the tax bills beginning in 2024. If you have any delinquent Personal Property taxes from prior years, this will also not be included in the 2024 and future tax bills; but will be mailed out separately by the Town of York Clerk-Treasurer.