Town of York, Green County, Wisconsin
Minutes of Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Please Note: These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting. These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.
The meeting was called to order by Dan Truttmann at 7:07 pm. The meeting was held via video conference on Zoom and in person. Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor Travis Leonard (arrived at 7:10pm), 2nd Supervisor Aaron Gifford, and Clerk-Treasurer Marilyn Zipsie were present. Verification of proper notice was given.
Public Comment – There were no public comments.
Minutes of 2/13/2024 Town Board Meetings –Dan Truttmann made the motion to approve the Board Meeting minutes; second by Aaron Gifford. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report & Bills to be Paid- The Treasurer’s Report and bills to be paid were presented. Dan Truttmann moved to approve the bills to be paid and Treasurer’s Report as presented; second by Aaron Gifford. Motion carried.
Patrolman’s Report- Lance Moen reported an uneventful month, downed trees from wind, cutting brush and winter cleanup, minor repairs for tractor seat, and discussion with Postville Blacksmith regarding loader stress on 3 bolts. Culvert inventory is complete; 14 culverts reported. Culvert location and cleaning was discussed.
Plan Commission Report- Dan Truttmann reported that the Plan Commission approved DUA transfers for Robert Helmeid; to be presented to the Board at this meeting. CSM for Paul Wheeler was discussed at the Planning Commission meeting and presented to the Board at this meeting. Discussed upcoming ordinances.
Business Items-
- Paul Wheeler – Approve CSM: New CSM would move the dividing line between lots one (1) and two (2) on parcel 23032 05990000. Motion made by Travis Leonard to approve. Second by Aaron Gifford. Motion carried.
- Robert Helmeid – Approve DUA transfer: Motion was made by Dan Truttman to transfer one (1) DUA to new owners Jacob and Jadyn Zander; leaving six (6) remaining DUAs. Second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried. (old CSM 3282)
- Vierbicher Consultants: Gary Blazek introduced Vierbicher Consultants as a municipal engineering firm, offering services on an ‘as needed’ basis. Gary to prepare and submit a general services agreement to the Board for review and discussion at next Board meeting.
- Recycling Center Ordinance Violation: Recycling Supervisor Kim Peterson has reported to the Clerk chronic violations of a tenant living in a property owned by Thomas Mosgaller. The Board recommended that the Clerk contact Thomas Mosgaller directly advising of the violation and responsibility to inform tenant of such.
- Clerk-Treasurer Position: Marilyn Zipsie tendered her resignation effective at the end of this meeting. Motion was made by Dan Truttmann to accept the resignation. Second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried. Aaron Gifford made the motion to hire Brenda Hackbart as the new Clerk-Treasurer for the Town of York. Second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried. Brenda Hackbart took Oath of Office. Board and new Clerk-Treasurer discussed retaining Marilyn Zipsie as Deputy Clerk-Treasurer at Clerk-Treasurer’s discretion.
Adjournment- Travis Leonard made motion to adjourn; second by Aaron Gifford. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:22 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Brenda Hackbart, Clerk-Treasurer
2024-03-12 Minutes – Board Meeting.docx