Town of York, Green County, Wisconsin

Minutes of Monthly Board Meeting

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Please Note:  These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting.  These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.

The meeting was called to order by Dan Truttmann at 7:03 pm.  The meeting was held in person and as a video conference on Zoom.  Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor Travis Leonard, 2nd Supervisor Aaron Gifford, and Clerk-Treasurer Marilyn Zipsie were present.  Verification of proper notice was given.

Public Comment – Jason Rowley had a question regarding Plan Commission Zoom link for the last meeting. Bill Kuenzi asked if there would be opportunity for discussion at end of meeting when the Plan Commission recommendation is read; the recommendation was read out loud. No further questions asked.

Minutes of 07/11/2023 Town Board Meeting –  Minutes for the Tuesday, 07/11/2023 Town Board Meeting were reviewed.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the 07/11/2023 Town Board Meeting minutes as presented; second by Aaron Gifford.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report & Bills to be Paid-  The Treasurer’s Report and bills to be paid were presented.  Aaron Gifford moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and bills to be paid as presented; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.

Patrolman’s Report-  Lance Moen reported lots of downed branches to clean up. Worked on routine weed and brush removal. Gavel has been spread on 11 out of 30 town roads. The tractor had a problem and Hennessey repaired; now working fine. Took plow to have cutting edge put on. Blacktop is complete on Yankee Hollow and Postville Roads.

Weed Commissioner Report-  Aaron Gifford had nothing new to report.

Plan Commission Report-  Dan Truttmann reports the Plan Commission approved the Hermanson land division as well as the CSM for Jason Rowley; these items will go before the Town Board for final approval. The Plan Commission also drafted a recommendation to the land division ordinance.

Chairman’s Report-  Dan Truttmann reports that asphalt has been put down on the Badger Road Bridge. Open Book was held with 3 people calling the assessor, no in-person visits were made to the Town Hall.  Board of Review is Thursday, August 10 at 5:30 to 7:30 pm; at the time of this writing, no objections have been made known.  Regarding the open records request by The Sconi, Marilyn Zipsie presented the town’s response to the town attorney who advised one edit be made; response to request was sent via email. Nothing more has developed on the records request.

Business Items-

Steve Hermanson Land Division:  Dan Truttmann made the motion to approve the Preliminary Parcel Division/Transfer of Parcel number 23032-0128000 from the Ursula Hermanson Testamentary Trust/Dave Hermanson to Nick and Melissa Schultz with zero dwelling units being transferred. Second by Aaron Gifford. Motion carried.

Discussion of Hermanson field road entrance on Gould Hill Road:  General discussion of the field road entrance. Town of York will not be involved except for the topic of water flow.

Jason Rowley CSM Approval:  Dan Truttmann made the motion to approve the CSM for Jason Rowley, Section 5, Lot 2 off Highways 39 and 78. Second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried.

Driveway Permit – Devin Brown: Dan Truttmann made the motion to approve the driveway permit for Devin Brown, Lot 3 Pondrose Estates. Second by Aaron Gifford. Motion carried.

Driveway Permit Gehin Homes/Brad and Mikela Rood: Travis Leonard made the motion to approve the driveway permit for Brad and Mikela Rood, Section 26, Lot 4 off Highway H. Second by Aaron Gifford. Motion carried.

Jessie Straubhaar Conditional Use Permit: Discussion regarding the condition use permit for Jessie Straubhaar which was approved and signed at the July 11, 2023 Town Board Meeting. Jessie was advised to get on the Green County Zoning Committee meeting agenda.

Plan Commission Recommendation to the Board:  The Board discussed the proposed recommendation on the Land Division Ordinance put forth by the Plan Commission. The Board will meet with the town attorney and the Plan Commission at the September 5, 2023 Plan Commission meeting for further discussion and potential options.

Adjournment-  Dan Truttmann moved to adjourn; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Zipsie, Clerk-Treasurer