York Township Plan Commission Monthly Meeting
Tuesday June 1, 2021, at 7:00 P.M.
Special In-Person/Video Conference Meeting
“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including Federal, State, and County emergency orders limiting crowds, this meeting is being held in person and via video conference. Town Board members will attend in person. Members of the public may attend in person or by logging in here:
Zoom Information:
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Meeting ID: 927 5913 9580
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Call to Order/Verification of legal meeting posting.
Roll Call
Secretary’s Report
New Business
-Introduction of New Town Board members, A quorum most likely.
-Update from Town Board Chair Dan Truttmann
-Land division- Curtis and Joan Moen
-Update from Plan Commission Chair
Old Business
-Five-year review of the Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 6) Economic Development discussion.
-Any other old business brought before the Plan Commission.