Town of York
Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The August 2, 2022 meeting of the Town of York Plan Commission was called to order at 7:05 pm by Chair Bethany Storm. Storm verified that the meeting was legally posted on the website and at the York Town Hall. The meeting could also be joined via Zoom.

Roll call was taken by Storm. Members in attendance: Bethany Storm, Dan Truttmann, Aaron Gifford, and Arlo Paust (15 minutes late). Others in attendance: Curt Moen

Minutes for the Tuesday July 5, 2022, Plan Commission Meeting were presented. Minor spelling changes were suggested. Dan Truttmann made a motion to approve the minutes. Bethany seconded. Motion carried.

Public Comment: Curt Moen expressed opinions and concerns about the resolution for the transfer and division ordinance.

Business Items:

Driveway Ordinance: The table needs to be updated. The width at intersection needs to be clarified, is it 300’ from both sides or 300’ total, meaning 150’ from the center. Section f. : driveway setback: does “base” mean “edge”? Should be 10-15’ from edge of drivable surface. Storm put forth the idea of a maximum driveway length unless a longer driveway can be shown to have less impact on the Town of York goals and vision statement. Changes need to go before engineer to examine technical aspects.

Dark Sky Ordinance: A draft has been made for a dark sky ordinance. Paust made a motion to send this to a lawyer, Storm seconded. All approved.

Building Permit Ordinance: 5g.: Construction of mobile homes was discussed. Truttmann suggested considering a better definition of what a “mobile home” is. Gifford suggested it does not fit within this section of the ordinance. Paust noted the placement of mobile homes in York is already not allowed by Green County ordinances. Paust moved to remove 5g from building permit ordinance. Storm seconded. Motion passed 3-1.  6b.: Gifford suggested costs listed are out of date. Truttman will ask Scott Jelle of typical costs.

Land Use/Division: Public comment was discussed. No action taken.

Truttman moved to adjourn meeting at 9:01pm. Gifford seconded. All approved.