Town of York Plan Commission Regular Monthly Meeting:
Tuesday February 06, 2024, 7:00 pm (Central Time (US and Canada))
Town of York In-Person and Video Conference Meeting
Meeting called to order at 7:01pm
Roll call: John Knicker, Daniel Truttmann, Bethany Storm, Arlo Paust;
Public: Mark Muench, Jason Rowley
Zoom portion of the meeting failed.
Verification of proper notice. Meeting was posted at town hall and website
Consider for approval or other action:
Public Comments: None
Review Minutes of January 2024 Plan Commission Meeting: Storm motioned to approve minutes. Knicker seconded. All in favor. Motion passed
Mark Muench Dwelling Unit Allotment transfer applications as follows:
1 of 1 Dwelling Unit from Parcel Number 2303200950200 LUID 05-027 to 2303200750220 LUID 04-039. Remaining units on former parcel being 0.
2 of 9 Dwelling Units from Parcel Number 2303200680000 LUID 04-005 to 2303200750220 LUID 04-039. Remaining units on former parcel being 7.
3 of 7 Dwelling Units from previous mentioned Parcel Number 2303200680000 LUID 04-005 to 2303200750210 LUID 04-039. Remaining units on former parcel being 4.
Total Dwelling Units moved to 2303200750220 LUID 04-039 are 3. There would now be a total of 4 DU on this parcel.
Total Dwelling Units moved to 2303200750210 LUID 04-039 are 3. There would now be a total of 4 DU on this parcel.
Truttmann made motion to approve DU transfers, Knicker seconded. All approved
Discussed examples of future land splits per likely new ordinance.
Discussed lighting ordinance possibilities.
Discussed fee structures.
Truttmann made motion to adjourn meeting. Storm seconded. All approved. Meeting was adjourned at 8:46pm