Minutes of the York Township Plan Commission Meeting, Tuesday January 5, 2021
The January 5, 2021 meeting of the York Township Plan Commission was called to order by Zoom/Video conference at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Bethany Storm. Storm verified that the meeting was legally posted on the Townofyork.org website and at the York Town Hall.
Roll call was taken by Cyndi Brown, Plan Commission Secretary. Members in attendance via zoom meeting were Bethany Storm, Linda Yates, Terri Nipple. Minutes read by Brown. Nipple made a motion to approve minutes correction of December 1, 2020 York Plan Commission meeting minutes. Correction of the minutes revised and as follows:1.Terri Nipple correct name spelling, 2.past member name Marselino Miranda.3. Current year 2021 4. Pondrose remained as one word, 5.Meeting adjournment adjusted time of 8:33 pm. Nipple moved to approve the revised minutes, seconded by Storm to accept the revised minutes. The motion passed.
New Business:
Newest member Arlo Paust has been appointed by the York Town Board to be a member of the York Plan Commission. Paust was sworn in by Chair Storm. The York Township Plan Commission welcomes Arlo Paust to the Plan Commission.
1) Land transfer of Paul Ovadal, anyone representing Paul or this request. No one was present. Storm announced this transaction request of 240 acres located on Hay Hollow Rd.( parcel#23032-00500000) (parcel# 23032-00610000) (# 23032-00620000) (parcel# 23032-00630000) (parcel#23032-00640000) (parcel# 2303200701000) (parcel# 2303200760000) (parcel#2303200770000) (parcel#2303200780000) (parcel#2303200790000) being sold to Bryant Fisher. Fourteen (14) dwelling unit allotments transfer with this transaction. No dwelling units remain. Nipple motioned to refer the request to the York Town Board for the approval. The motion was seconded by Arlo. Motion passed.
2).Land transfer of Gerald Elbin represented by (Lexie Harris) realtor. Twenty (20) acre property off State Road 39. Dwelling unit transfer (parcel#2303201070000).Dwelling unit will not be allotted until buyer/seller noted. Nipple motioned to defer land transfer of Elbin to York Town Board for consideration. Motioned seconded by Yates. Motion passed.
3.)Land transfer of Ed and Connie Fox presented a land transfer request of (1.5 acres) with existing house only.CSM # 2493 (parcel#2303200024000) to buyer Kayla Gray .No dwelling units allotted. Three(3) dwelling units will remain with two (2) vacant parcel lots totaling 4.06 acres and 4.75 acres across the road. Connie inquired re: driveway permit, informed that can be obtained through the York Town Board for approval. Nipple motioned to refer the request of transfer property without dwelling units to York Town Board for consideration. The motion was seconded by Yates. The motion was passed.
In other news: Connie Fox inquired of how to obtain a newsletter from the Town of York,she was advised to contact the Town Clerk Schlumpf for assistance, and advised of the Town of York website.
Update from the Plan Commission Chair:
No updates
Old Business:
Town of York Comprehensive Plan to review every 5 years. Chapter one (1) discussed tonight. Discussions will continue chapter by chapter. Chapter two (2) will be discussed at the next meeting on February 2, 2021
New census data will be compiled to perform a comparison.
Old business: None
Public Comment: None
Adjourn: Arlo made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Nipple.
Storm adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm
(Respectfully submitted by Cyndi Brown, Plan Commission Secretary).
The next meeting of the York Township Plan Commission will be held on February 2, 2021