Minutes of the York Town Plan Commission Meeting, Tuesday January 4, 2022

The January 4, 2022, meeting of the Town of York Plan Commission was called to order at 7:01p.m. by Chair Bethany Storm. Storm verified that the meeting was legally posted on the Townofyork.org website and at the York Town Hall.

Roll call was taken by Cyndi Brown, Plan Commission Secretary. Members in attendance: Bethany Storm, Linda Yates, Terri Nipple, Arlo Paust, Cyndi Brown. Others in attendance: Town Board members Dan Truttmann and April Prusia. This meeting was held via Zoom.

The secretary’s report of the December 7,2021 minutes prepared by Brown. Storm moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Yates. The motion passed.

Public Comment:

A discussion (from earlier correspondence with a resident of the town) regarding the Verizon cell tower on Hwy 39 brought to discussion by board members and the current process of notification, ordinances, and zoning within the Town of York. There is not a public hearing or public notification process currently. The process is in county zoning & regulations.

Comments and suggestions received from the community regarding the updated comprehensive plan to be discussed by the members at next scheduled meeting with an action list to address the proposed suggestions such as: How to better site cell towers, how to preserve the night sky, and how to maintain the rural character of the land.

New Business:

Kiel Stampfli and Ron Strommen land transfer/sale was not completed. The chair will update the transfer form. Approval to add a contingency clause to the land transfer form to recognize the nullification of a transfer. Nipple motioned to advance to the town board for approval. Seconded by Paust. Motion passed.

Update from Plan Commission Chair:

Public Hearing on Updating the 2022Town of York Comprehensive Plan set for Tuesday February 8, 2022, at 6:30 p.m.

Monthly meetings will continue via zoom until further notice.

Old Business:


In other news:


Adjourn:  Yates made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Paust. Motion carried.

Storm adjourned the meeting at 8:13 p.m.

(Respectfully submitted by Cyndi Brown, Plan Commission Secretary)

The next monthly meeting of the York Township Plan Commission will be held on Tuesday February 1, 2022, via zoom.