Minutes of the York Township Plan Commission Meeting, Tuesday June 1, 2021
The June 1, 2021 meeting of the York Township Plan Commission was called to order.
Special In person/Video conference at 7:08 p.m. by Chair Bethany Storm. Storm verified that the meeting was legally posted on the Townofyork.org website and at the York Town Hall.
Roll call was taken by Cyndi Brown, Plan Commission Secretary. Members in attendance: Bethany Storm, Linda Yates, Terri Nipple, Cyndi Brown, Arlo Paust, and Town Board Chair Dan Truttmann, Others in attendance: Curtis Moen.
The secretary’s report of the May 4, 2021, minutes read by Brown. Nipple moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Yates. The motion passed.
New Business:
1.) Updates from Town of York Board Chair-Dan Truttmann present.
Current comprehensive plan drafted in 2005 and revisited every 20 years.
Planning zoom call with Regional Planning in Platteville, contact Troy. Updates in demographics, population, and ongoing data from Department of Revenue such as projections, and land value.
2.) Suggestions for Public participation plan.
a) 5 question survey mailed to all households
b) public meeting
3.) Plan commission has been reviewing a chapter a month for last 6 months for review and updates. Complete the last chapters 7-9 by plan commission review at next meeting.
4.) Start to create a baseline, goals discussion, and procedures to guide land usage.
5.) Services: Emergency Medical Services, review ordinances in surrounding towns for processes in appraising, driveways, and construction ordinances.
In closing I would like to start with goals before implementation. The Mission Statement is how I want to see the town today and in the future.
2.) Land division: Curtis Moen in attendance. Five (5) dwelling units allotted to parcel. Zero (0) dwelling units transferred. Five (5) dwelling units remaining. Intended use of land is existing home site,1.6 acres on Poplar Grove Rd. (Parcel #) 23032-0273.1000. Motion made by Paust to advance land division to York Town Board for approval. Yates seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Update from Plan Commission Chair:
Old Business:
Town of York Comprehensive Plan review. Chapter five (6) reviewed. Economic Development Discussions continue to be informative, and the commission will continue the review. Discussed some ideas: historical preservation grants, tourism, incorporate a growth plan.
In other news:
Nipple propose meeting time at 7:30 pm. Members agreed meeting will remain at 7:00pm on the 1st Tuesday of each month.
Public Comment:
Curt Moen states early on when the comprehensive plan was completed, the town hall was full of towns people and public comment, potential to escalate some land division and some areas were grandfathered in 2004. 20-acre parcels were added at that time.
Nipple made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Paust. Motion carried.
Storm adjourned the meeting at 8:43 pm.
(Respectfully submitted by Cyndi Brown, Plan Commission Secretary)
The next monthly meeting of the York Township Plan Commission will be held on Tuesday July 6, 2021.