The March 2, 2022, meeting of the Town of York Plan Commission was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chair Bethany Storm. Storm verified that the meeting was legally posted on the website and at the York Town Hall.
Roll call was taken by Brown, Plan Commission Secretary. Members in attendance: Bethany Storm, Terri Nipple, Cynthia Brown, Arlo Paust, and newly appointed member Dan Truttmann. Others in attendance: Town Board members Dan Truttmann, April Prussia, and Tim Czerwonka (via zoom) residents John Knicker, and Jim Meuth.
The secretary’s report of the February 2022 minutes prepared by Storm. Truttmann moved to approve the minutes seconded by Brown. The motion passed.
Public Comment:
Resident John Knicker made comments regarding the updated version of the Town of York comprehensive plan and some very good suggestions and meaningful points to consider. All comments, discussions and proposed revisions taken by the Plan Commission chair for review and or editing.
New Business:
-Jim Meuth-Land Transfer located at W1819 Buckeye Rd. Two (2) parcels divided with One (1) dwelling unit. Zero (0) units remain. Land usage woodlands. Brown motioned to accept the changes. Seconded by Nipple. Motion passed.
-Review of edits and comments submitted by John Knicker and Bob Bergman. Some of the comments centered around tower location, population growth, road maintenance, the town existing services and the rural lifestyle preservation. Editorial updates and discussions about updating more data sets if possible. Storm, Plan Commission Chair prepared an Introduction to Comprehensive Plan Review 2022, and continues to incorporate the editorial changes and gather most recent data available. Nipple motioned to send the updates and revisions presented to Town Board for review. Seconded by Paust. Motion passed.
Update from Plan Commission Chair:
April Plan Commission Meeting will be held on Wednesday April 6th due to the Primary election set on Tuesday 5th. Flowers to retired member, Linda Yates after over ten (10) years of dedicated service.
Old Business:
Adjourn: Nipple made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Paust. Motion carried.
Storm adjourned the meeting at 9:01 p.m.
(Respectfully submitted by Cynthia Brown, Plan Commission Secretary)
The next monthly meeting of the York Township Plan Commission will be held on Wednesday April5th 2022, in person and via zoom.