Town of York
Monthly Plan Commission Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The Tuesday, January 3, 2023, meeting of the Town of York Plan Commission was called to order at 7:01 pm by Chair Bethany Storm. Storm verified that the meeting was legally posted on the website and at the York Town Hall. The meeting could also be joined via Zoom.
Roll call was taken by Brown. Members in attendance: Bethany Storm, Cynthia Brown, Arlo Paust, Dan Truttmann, Aaron Gifford, and town board members April Prusia, Travis Leonard and other attendees, Tom Belcher, Kristi Leonard, and Megan via zoom.
Minutes for the Tuesday, December 3, 2022, Plan Commission Meeting were presented. Storm made a motion to approve the minutes. Gifford seconded. Motion carried.

Public Comment:
Tom B. Question: What are the proposed changes of how many acres are the lots to be? Will there be changes in acreage per house? Where are the meeting posted?
Kristi L. Question: Would there be transparency with the proposed land ordinance changes? There are some concerns of the proposed 35-acre tracts from the 20-acre tracts that are already in the ordinances.
Travis L. Question: How were the ordinances drafted in the past?
Question: Are dwelling units still part of the land use ordinance?

Business Items

Storm read the land use ordinance recommendations proposed by the Plan Commission.
Town board meeting notification were posted in the Pecatonica Leader and in New Glarus. The town board will post the public hearing on the board. The current land ordinances have the potential for 1200 new homes. Aaron stated some concerns of the proposed land ordinances will take time. It was voted at the November meeting to send the proposed land ordinance updates to the town board to prepare for the public hearing.

The town board will prepare and post the public hearing. The board will introduce the issue, any changes proposed, and public opinions.

Paust moved to adjourn meeting at 8:41pm Gifford seconded. All approved.