Minutes of the York Town Plan Commission Meeting, May 3rd 2022
The May 3rd, 2022, meeting of the Town of York Plan Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Bethany Storm. Storm verified that the meeting was legally posted on the Townofyork.org website and at the York Town Hall
- Roll call was taken by Brown, Plan Commission Secretary. Members in attendance: Bethany Storm, Cynthia Brown, Arlo Paust, and Dan Truttmann. Others in attendance: Town Board member April Prusia, and newly sworn in Plan Commission member Aaron Gifford, and via zoom Scott Jacobson.
The secretary’s report of the April 2022 minutes prepared by Brown. Truttmann moved to approve the minutes seconded by Paust. The motion passed.
Public Comment:
-What is the procedure for businesses opening in the town, is there a conditional use permit needed, zoning requirements, notification to homeowners of proposed business opening.
New Business:
- Land Division/Transfer-Estate of Robert Marks represented by Scott Jacobson. Parcel number 23032 0134.0000. One (1) dwelling unit transferred and four (4) remaining units remaining located at the corner of Hwy 78. Land use: Agricultural. Truttmann motioned to send to the town board for approval seconded by Paust.
- Swearing in of Aaron Gifford, plan commission new member. Aaron lives with his wife and family in Blanchardville where he farms crops of corn and beans.
Update from Plan Commission Chair:
Old Business:
Adjourn: made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Truttmann. Motion carried.
Storm adjourned the meeting at 9:09 P.M.
(Respectfully submitted by Cynthia Brown, Plan Commission Secretary)
The next monthly meeting of the York Township Plan Commission will be held on Tuesday June 7th, 2022, in person and via zoom.