Density Unit Search
“Land Unit” is a term that the Town of York Board is using to describe an area of land that is owned by a single landowner. The concept is important because the number of dwelling units that are allotted to land are based on the size of the land unit.
A land unit is defined as parcels owned by the same landowner that share a boundary of at least 66 feet. For instance, if Bob Smith owns parcels A, B, and C, and the parcels are next to each other, sharing a boundary of at least 66 feet between each parcel, then parcels A, B, and C would be considered one land unit for the purposes of assigning dwelling units.
Land units were derived using the Green County parcel map layer. Any parcels that had shared ownership and a common boundary (minimum 66 feet) were combined into one polygon and assigned a land unit ID. Land unit ID’s follow convention: (two-digit section)-(three digit id). The land units within a given section are generally numbered north to south.
Density unit (DU) values are assigned to the land owner, not the parcel. Land owners with multiple parcels may see a large DU value on a single parcel and then no DU value assigned to others. DU values are transferred using the “Preliminary Parcel Division / Transfer Inquiry Form” in accordance with Town of York Land Division – Development and Transfer Ordinance #16-03.
Searches can be performed for the following terms; Owners Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Tax Parcel #