Town of York
Monthly Board Meeting
Wednesday, August 10, 2022

 Please Note:  These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting.  These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.  The meeting was held in person and as a video conference on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor April Prusia, 2nd Supervisor Travis Leonard, and Clerk-Treasurer Jessie Schlumpf were present.  Verification of proper notice was given.

Public Comment-  Scott Phillips questioned Jessie Schlumpf regarding the amount of ARPA funds ($49,089.55 x 2) and how the Town has utilized those funds (last year’s funds for Fire and EMS protection, thus freeing up funds for new Town Hall windows and wiring, and additional road work).  He also commented regarding invasive weeds in the Town of York, including harmful plants for area farmers (thistle, milkweed).  Gail Phillips had questions on road specifications in subdivisions, the process for assuming road ownership (survey maps, filing with the DOT, statutory requirements – Dan Truttmann will check into the statutory process), and the process for discontinuing town lanes.  John Knicker questioned the Board about the proposed ATV/UTV route (connecting to neighboring towns via the shortest route on Gould Hill, Vinger, and Yankee Hollow added to hopefully lessen traffic on Hwy A) and procedures for the upcoming public hearing.  Jessie Schlumpf thanked her election workers.

Minutes of July 12, 2022, Town Board Meeting-  Minutes for the Tuesday, July 12, 2022, Town Board Meeting were presented and revised.  April Prusia moved to approve the Tuesday, July 12, 2022, minutes as revised; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report, and ARPA update-  The Treasurer’s Report was presented, with questions on certain accounts and disbursements.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.  ARPA update:  Jessie Schlumpf reported that she has received conflicting information on the need for documented procurement procedures and written standards of conduct covering conflicts of interest.

Bills-  Jessie Schlumpf presented bills to be paid, with the Board questioning certain receipts and disbursements.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the bills as presented; second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.

Patrolman’s Report-  Wayne Bue reported the replacement York Valley sign has been installed; the Board approved paying Dennis Marty $50 for the use of his lift truck.  The replacement culvert for Bergman Lane has not been installed.  Dan Truttmann reported that pea gravel on Postville Rd. and Stewart Rd. will be swept; Sawmill may need sweeping as well.  Wayne has been gravelling driveways and will be done in the next week or two.  He’ll then start ditch mowing.  Minert needs more gravel near the top.  Dan Truttmann asked Wayne the year of the International truck (2015) and the Ford truck (2017); the Board will start the budgeting process for ordering a replacement truck (tandem if possible, ~two year lead time).  Wayne asked the Board about repairing/replacing the shed doors (change to overhead); there is enough clearance to install overhead doors (better seal – snow currently blows in under the old doors, freezing water issues).  A quote will be obtained.  We’re waiting on Green County to repair the Dougherty Creek bridge railing (per Wayne the railing has been torn off at least once before).

Weed Commissioner Report – discuss possible revisions to weed ordinance-  Aaron Gifford reported he inspected the property in Prairie Brook due to a weed complaint; there are thistles and milkweed present.  He has contacted Nate Faryam, DNR State Natural Areas Manager, for guidance on solutions to weed problems, i.e., destroying or terminating noxious weeds.  Per NR 40, prohibited invasives are required to be destroyed/terminated, destruction of restricted invasives is encouraged but not required.  Aaron will provide educational information in the newsletter later this year, with the plan to lead by example in the Town’s ditches and encourage compliance through education (timing of cutting, herbicides, etc.) rather than drafting a specific ordinance at this time.  The Board also discussed the recent push for more milkweed for monarch butterfly habitat – mowing several times per year would help control milkweed.  When the new patrolman is hired the Town will discuss equipment needs/method of application to control those weeds in our ditches (early spring and late fall application of herbicides is recommended).

Plan Commission Report-  Dan Truttmann reported the Plan Commission talked more about revising ordinances — possible changes to the driveway ordinance; whether to include “mobile home” language in the building permit ordinance; and dark sky (example:  Town of Perry’s ordinance), shielding lights for new construction, with possible exemptions for agriculture, or only seasonal (i.e., corn dryers during harvest time for safety vs. for security).  Over the next month the Plan Commission members will review the land division ordinance – incentives, dwelling units, etc.  Travis Leonard asked about the specific job description of the Plan Commission:  in a nutshell, planning for the future of the Town of York.

Chairman’s Report-  Update on patrolman interviews:  Four interviews of candidates (six applicants) were conducted on Monday, Aug. 8, 2022.  The Board chose one candidate and is working on benefit details and will extend an offer in the next few days.  The Board hopes to offer a good enough package to encourage longevity.  More information will be provided as it becomes available.  Dougherty Creek bridge damage:  The Town’s insurance carrier has received the police report, the driver’s insurance company has been contacted, and Rural Insurance will go after the driver’s insurance company for reimbursement of repair costs of the guard rail.  Upcoming public hearings:  ATV/UTV Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 30, 2022, at 7:00 p.m., and Road Discontinuances Public Hearing at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 13, 2022.  On-going issue with camper parking:  Geoff Briggs, Green County, has contacted the landowner off Hwy. J, the well is drilled, the septic will be installed in the next month, and then the camper will be sold.  Green County has been very patient with this landowner.  Other:  Stephen Zipsie has volunteered to help Kim Peterson put up the new sign at the Recycling Center.

Business Items-

ARPA Compliance update – Documented procurement procedures & written standards of conduct covering conflicts of interest-  After Board discussion this item was tabled until Treasury and/or the Wisconsin Towns Association provides an update regarding the conflicting information on this.

(Proposed) Resolution #2022-9 – Guidelines for Public Input at Town Meetings-  The Board discussed the proposed resolution and logistics for receiving comments from people attending via Zoom, discretion of Chair to limit comments and questions, common courtesies during meetings, etc.  April Prusia resolved to approve Resolution #2022-9 – Guidelines for Public Input at Town Meetings as amended; second by Dan Truttmann.  Motion carried.

Driveway refund – Mike Paradis, Hwy 39-  Travis Leonard moved to approve the driveway refund to Mike Paradis, Hwy. 39; second by Dan Truttmann.  Motion carried.

Adjournment-  Dan Truttman moved to adjourn; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 8:49 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Schlumpf, Clerk-Treasurer