Town of York
Monthly Board Meeting
Wednesday, November 9, 2022

 Please Note:  These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting.  These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.

The meeting was called to order at 7:25 pm.  The meeting was held in person and as a video conference on Zoom.  Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor April Prusia, 2nd Supervisor Travis Leonard, and Clerk-Treasurer Jessie Schlumpf were present.  Verification of proper notice was given.

Public Comment-  Jessie Schlumpf thanked her election inspectors for their hard work; over 600 York voters turned out for the mid-term election.  Gail and Scott Phillips commented vehicles blocked the handicapped accessibility driveway during the election.  Lance Moen will put up a sign – Do Not Block Driveway; Jessie Schlumpf also asked that Lance try to adjust the town hall door (it kept opening on election day).

Minutes of 10/11/2022 Town Board Meeting-  Minutes for the Tuesday, 10/11/2022 Board Meeting were presented.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the 10/11/2022 town board meeting minutes as presented; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report –  The Treasurer’s Report was presented.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.

Bills-  Jessie Schlumpf presented bills to be paid.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the bills as presented; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.

Patrolman’s Report-  Lance Moen reported that he and Wayne Bue finished installing the loader brackets; the tractor and International truck has been serviced.  He has been mulching and chipping (mulch is available).  He fixed an electrical problem on the Ford truck; he cleaned up trees from the windstorm.  He reported receiving questions on whether the town would sell/deliver gravel (no) and Dan received a call about removing dead deer (no).  Lance was asked whether work could be done between the bridge on Badger and York Center (trailers can bottom out).  Lance asked for Board approval to purchase fire extinguishers for all vehicles and equipment.  The International should be DOT inspected – fire extinguisher required.  He will purchase them and will get the International and Ford trucks DOT inspected.  The Board discussed lining up part-time plow drivers; the Board will post for an additional plow driver.  Steve Hermanson could work one week a month, or with 3 people, the schedule could be 2 weeks, 2 weeks, 2 weeks.  Also, Dan Truttmann will schedule yearly service on the town hall furnace.

Weed Commissioner Report-  Aaron Gifford has inspected the reported Johnson grass or shattercane; he dug up the rhizomes for identification.  They can cross breed and the rhizomes are difficult to differentiate between.  He spoke with Tanya Gratz at Green County – it is showing up throughout Green County, who has reached out to Josh Kamps at UW Extension.  UW Extension is researching how to eradicate it; and it is resistant to herbicides.  Tanya Gratz will keep Aaron in the loop as more information becomes available.

Plan Commission Report-  Dan Truttmann reported the Plan Commission approved one land transfer and they continue to discuss ordinances.

Business Items-

Derrick/Sarina Brion driveway refund – N8541 Badger Rd.-  Travis Leonard reported working with the Brions; an extra topcoat of gravel fixed the gradient problem.  Travis Leonard moved to approve the Derrick and Sarina Brion driveway refund on N8541 Badger Rd.; second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.

Robert/Teresa Nicholas driveway refund – N7877 Loyalty Rd.-  The Board saw no slope issues with this driveway.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the driveway refund for Robert and Teresa Nicholas on N7877 Loyalty Rd.; second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.

Bob Schaefer driveway permit-  Mr. Schaefer presented the history of upgrading this driveway, crossing an easement, the limitations due to topography, and being land locked; he presented a CSM showing the parcel and driveway.  Sections of the driveway currently do not meet width requirements.  The Schaefers want to protect the value of the property in the event of a future sale.  The Board tabled this matter until the December 2022 meeting.

Justin Gruenenfelder land transfer-  This is a straight land transfer with 4 dwelling units (##23032-01340000, 23032-01370200).  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the land transfer from Justin Gruenenfelder to Micah and Alice Heyer with 4 dwelling units; second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.

Town of York Newsletter:  articles; ads-  Articles have been submitted to Carrie Czerwonka.  April Prusia will have Carrie include the job posting for Clerk-Treasurer.

Clerk/Treasurer posting and interview process-  The Board asked Jessie Schlumpf to publish the job posting for 2 weeks in the Pecatonica Leader, the New Glarus Post Register, and the Monroe Times.  When questioned by the Board Jessie expressed her preference to resign effective 12/31/2022.  The Board discussed splitting some duties (i.e., deputy clerk), outsourcing payroll, etc. to lighten the workload.  April Prusia asked that the job posting be sent to her; she will ask Carrie Czerwonka to place the job posting in the newsletter.

Solicit plow truck bids-  Tabled until the December meeting.  Lance Moen mentioned that the PTO set up on a new truck should be the same as on our current truck.  Travis Leonard has a list of towns/people to question about plow trucks.  The Board also discussed the need for better equipment storage options, and Travis will inspect other town’s equipment storage buildings while looking at other towns’ trucks.

ATV/UTV ordinance discussion-  Tabled until the December meeting.  Travis Leonard reported that 4 towns in Green County and 4 other towns in Wisconsin had ATV referendums that passed on 11/08/2022.  The Board asked Jessie Schlumpf to create a red-lined draft of the proposed ordinance incorporating suggested changes from counsel and forward the redline to the Board for discussion in December.  She will contact counsel for a Word version of a proposed citation ordinance and create a citation document for York.

WTA survey-  The Board helped Jessie answer the survey questions; Dan Truttmann will provide additional answers to Jessie to complete the survey.

Assessor contract-  The Board discussed options for assessment services.  Dan Truttmann talked with the Town of New Glarus Clerk; they have had good experience with Associated Appraisal Consultants; they went through a revaluation too – questions were answered; they have Board of Review on 11/09/2022, with no appeals scheduled.  Gardiner Appraisal and Associated Appraisal Consultants both use Market Drive.  Dan Truttmann moved to contract with Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc. for assessment services with a 3-year contract; second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.

Green County Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan-  The Board had no public comment on the Green County draft Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Green County Highway matching funds.-  The Board discussed road projects for use of Green County Highway matching funds.  Dan Truttmann moved to accept Green County Highway matching funds of $2,000 for 2023; second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.

Adjournment-  Travis Leonard moved to adjourn; second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 9:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Schlumpf, Clerk-Treasurer