Town of York
Town Board Special Meeting (CLOSED SESSION)
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

 Please Note:  These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting.  These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.

The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm.  The meeting was held as a video conference on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor April Prusia, 2nd Supervisor Travis Leonard, and Clerk-Treasurer Jessie Schlumpf were present.  Verification of proper notice was given.

Closed Session – Determine hourly pay and benefits offer for new patrolman-  Dan Truttmann moved to enter closed session at 7:09 p.m.; second by April Prusia.  Motion carried by roll call vote of 3 ayes, zero nays.

Open Session-  Dan Truttmann moved to re-convene open session at 7:28 p.m.; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried by roll call vote of 3 ayes, zero nays.

April Prusia moved to hire Lance Moen as our full-time patrolman; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.

Adjournment-  Travis Leonard moved to adjourn; second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Schlumpf, Clerk-Treasurer