Title: Agricultural Enterprise Area Informational Meeting
Location: York Town Hall
Description: Agricultural Enterprise Area Informational Meeting

The Town of York Plan Commission and Rural Land Conservation Committee invites local farmers and interested residents to an informational evening to discuss Agricultural Enterprise Areas and the possibility of petitioning for one in our area. The meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at the York Town Hall starting at 8:00 pm. Coreen Fallat of the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection will be our guest at the meeting to answer questions about the AEA program and the petition process.

The AEA program is a part of Wisconsin’s Working Lands Initiative and can help local communities to meet agricultural preservation and agricultural economic development goals. In addition to fostering cooperation between landowners and local governments to promote agriculture, eligible farmers within the area can enter into a voluntary farmland preservation agreement with the state and claim farmland preservation tax credits. For more detailed information about the program, please visit the DATCP website at: https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Homepage.aspx

Let’s be proactive! The Town of York Land Division and Development ordinance offers incentives to keep at least 50% of land in agriculture when farmland is purchased and divided for residential development. While this is a good approach for land that has already been sold and slated for development, the Rural Land Conservation Committee is interested in identifying proactive, profitable measures that farmers can employ to keep land in agricultural production and off the residential subdivision table. Petitioning for an Agricultural Enterprise Area may be one such tool. Please join us
on November 3rd to explore this option. Tasty refreshments and coffee will be served.