***We are looking for local residents to join our Election Officials Team. Must reside within York Township or within Green County at minimum. Those interested should contact the Clerk at clerk-treasurer@townofyork.wi.gov***

Upcoming Elections

2025 Election Schedule


Spring Election – April 1, 2025



Contact the Clerk at 608-527-8125 or email clerk-treasurer@townofyork.wi.gov with any questions regarding elections. 

When & Where

Elections are held at the York Town Hall, N8105 Postville Road, Blanchardville, WI 53516. All polling places are accessible to elderly and disabled voters. Polling Hours are 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the day of election.


Information on acceptable photo IDs can be found HERE.

Additional information on what to expect at the polls on Election Day can be found HERE


Town of York has handicap parking located at the entrance of the Town Hall.  Additional parking on Election Day is available on Postville Road. 




You may request and vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office (Town Hall – N8105 Postville Rd, Blanchardville) or other specified location during the days and hours specified for casting an absentee ballot in person – call or email Clerk for appointment.

The first day to vote an absentee ballot at the clerk’s office (14 days prior to election):

February 4, 2025 by appointment only

The last day to vote an absentee ballot at the clerk’s office (Friday before election): 

February 14, 2025 by appointment only

No in-person absentee voting may occur on the day before the election.

The municipal clerk will deliver voted ballots returned on or before Election Day to the proper polling place or counting location before the polls close on Election Day.  Any ballots received after the polls close will not be counted.

Voter Registration

Registration is required statewide for all elections.  If you are not currently registered to vote or have recently moved, please complete a Voter Registration Application and return form to the TOY Clerk’s Office. Please be sure to include all the documentation as noted on the instructions for completing the Application.

MyVote Wisconsin Website

At myvote.wi.gov you can register to vote, check your voter registration status, find your polling place, see what’s on your ballot, request an absentee ballot, and check provisional ballot status.  Last day to register online is 20 days prior to election day.  After that and until 5 p.m. on the Friday before election, must register in person with the Clerk.

Absentee Voting By Mail

Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place on Election Day may request to vote an absentee ballot. A qualified elector is any U.S. citizen, who will be 18 years of age or older on Election Day, who has resided in the ward or municipality where he or she wishes to vote for at least 28 days before the election. The elector must also be registered in order to receive an absentee ballot. When submitting an Absentee Voting Application (see “MyVote” link on this page) please be sure to include a photo ID as noted on the instructions for completing the application.  

PLEASE NOTE: When submitting an online Absentee Voting Application through MyVote, choose ‘indefinitely confined’ to receive an Absentee Ballot mailed to you for all future elections; or, after confirming address for mailing the ballot, on the next screen you can choose from a specific upcoming election or all elections taking place in the current calendar year (must wait until January 1st to apply for the following year’s elections).

In lieu of photo ID, the voters listed below may satisfy the voter ID requirement by the following means:

  1. Electors who are indefinitely confined – the signature of a witness on the Absentee Certificate Envelope.
  2. Electors residing in care facilities served by Special Voting Deputies – the signature of both deputies on the envelope.
  3. Electors residing in care facilities not served by Special Voting Deputies – the signature of an authorized representative of the care facility.  If the elector is also indefinitely confined, the elector does not need a representative of the facility to sign.
  4. Military, Permanent Overseas, and Confidential Electors – Exempt from the photo ID requirement.

Last day for making application to receive Absentee Ballot BY MAIL:  

February 13, 2025, 5pm (fifth calendar day before election)

Deadline for Returning Absentee Ballot: The completed ballot must either be delivered to the clerk IN PERSON before Election Day or received through mail by Election Day.