Town of York Plan Commission Regular Monthly Meeting:
Tuesday, August 1, 2023, 7:00 pm (Central Time (US and Canada))
Town of York In-Person and Video Conference Meeting
Call to order at 7:03pm
Roll Call: Bethany Storm, April Prusia, Dan Truttmann, John Knicker, Arlo Paust; Public: Steve Hermanson
Verification of proper notice.
Public Comments
Review Minutes of July 2023 Plan Commission Meeting – Dan Truttmann made a motion to approve the minutes, Prusia seconded. All approved.
Land Division:
Steve Hermanson
Tax parcel ID 2303201280000
Land Unit ID 07-002
Storm made a motion to approve the land parcel division and transfer of 0 dwelling units. Truttmann seconded. All in favor.
John Samaha – tabled until September
Continued Discussion of Revisions to Land Division Ordinance
Storm makes a motion to send the below recommendation to the board. Seconded by Paust. All in favor. Motion passes
We recommend raising the minimum acreage needed for a split to 35 acres while retaining a minimum lot size of 1.5 acres. All existing land division transfers would be honored as recorded. There may be incentives to allow more splits if certain conditions are met to preserve productive farmland, based on assessed land types for acreages over 35. We recommend that parcels of 35 acres or less with an existing dwelling are not eligible to be split.
Storm made a motion to adjourn. Truttmann seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.
Agenda posted this 30th day of July 2023 on the Town’s website at and at the York Town Hall: N8105 Postville Rd.