Town of York
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
8:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were Chairman Dan Reeson, 1st Supervisor Dan Truttmann, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, and Clerk Nancy Anderson. Treasurer Ann Carlson was not present. Verification of proper notice was given. Dan Truttmann move to approve the amended November meeting minutes, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report– The Board examined the current report.
Bills– Dan Reeson had a bill for chips from Kranig for $611.47. Dan Reeson move to approve all the bills including Ann’s envelopes for tax bill processing by Pitney Bowes, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried.
Patrolman’s Report– Wayne is having minor problems with the Freightliner truck, water in the filter. The check engine light comes on sometimes. An additive seems to help to absorb the water. Wayne is cutting brush on both York Valley Rd. and North Hay Hollow Rd. The door on the recycling shed has also been repaired.
Plan Commission– Heidi Hankley stated that the Plan Commission is ready to move forward to develop and implement a system for tracking the development or dwelling units in the Town. First of all, someone will be hired to enter the data needed to develop the tracking base. Funds will come from the Rural Land Conservation Fund. Secondly, disposition of dwelling units on all land transactions will require the seller and/or buyer to notify the town concerning their disposition of dwelling units. The Plan Commission will begin crafting a new ordinance and also revise the current Preliminary Parcel Division Inquiry Form.
Bill and Terri Nipple presented a land division on their farm to the Board which was previously approved by the Plan Commission. Dan Reeson moved to approve the land division as presented to the Board, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried.
Old Business
- Pellitteri Contract and Container Removal Letter– Dan Reeson signed a new three year contract with Pellitteri Waste Systems and a letter was signed requesting Waste Management to remove their containers in a timely fashion. Both will be sent by Certified Return Receipt mail.
New Business
- New Glarus Library– The Town received a letter from Keith Seward, Chairman for the Town of New Glarus asking for both a donation to the new library and a list of New Glarus residents living in the Town of York. After discussion, the Town declined donating to the new library citing lack of funds in the budget and possible expectations for donations by both the Blanchardville and Argyle libraries which also serve our town. Our newsletter label list will be sent to Keith for his use.
- Set Caucus Date– Steve Hermanson move to hold the Town caucus on Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 8:00 P.M., Dan Truttmann 2nd. Motion carried.
- Raises for Wayne Bue and Eric Peterson– Dan Truttmann move to raise Wayne’s pay to $18.75 per hour and Eric Peterson’s wage to $14.25, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried.
- Town Newsletter– The Board will aim for an April, 2013 publishing date for the annual newsletter. Carrie Czerwonka has again agreed to prepare the newsletter for publication.
Adjournment– Steve Hermanson move to adjourn the meeting, Dan Truttmann 2nd. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Anderson, Clerk