Monday, February 2, 2016 Minutes-Rural Lands Conservation Committee

The February 2, 2016 meeting of Rural Lands Conservation Committee (RLCC) was called to order by Nana Schowalter at 1:00 PM. Roll call was taken with Nana Schowalter, April Prusia, Dan Truttmann, Bob Bergman and Bethany Storm all present.
The committee toured Truttmann Dairy.
Verification of posting.
Motion to approve meeting minutes from January 4, 2016; Schowalter. Seconded by Prusia. Motion approved.
Discussion of the Truttmann Dairy tour.

Discussion of a possible need for a citation ordinance to be written for the Town of York as a mechanism to collect fines.

Discussion of the Science Team’s presentation to Sylvester township board on January 18th, 2016.

Meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM by Chairperson Schowalter.
The next meeting of the Rural Lands Conservation Committee will be March 7, 2016.
Respectfully submitted by Bethany Storm, RLCC Secretary