Town of York
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
July 13, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were Chairman Dan Reeson, 1st Supervisor Dan Truttmann, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, Treasurer Nathan Ula and Clerk Nancy Anderson, along with ten concerned citizens. Verification of proper notice was given. Jill Duerst offered some corrections to the June minutes. Dan Truttmann move to approve the June minutes as amended, Dan Reeson 2nd. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report- Income included building inspection fees of $35.98 and $1995.38, DNR Managed Forest Law $195.02, interest on account $55.03, WI fire dues $2655.69, WI transportation aids $21,145.95, and State of WI MFL $1081.87. After all bills have been paid, the balance is $140,040.14.

Bills- Wayne presented bills for bolts and part for the chipper. Heidi had a bill for copies made. Dan Reeson move to approve the bills, Dan Truttmann 2nd. Motion carried.

Patrolman’s Report- Wayne has begun mowing and laying gravel. Some signs and markers need to be replaced. Reflective signs need to be in place by 2012. The Freightliner truck is in Shullsburg for service. It’s still under warranty. A culvert by Wayne Jeglum needs some type of repair. There is a wooden salt shed for sale in Dane County if the Board would be interested.

Plan Commission- The Board reviewed the proposed changes on various ordinances described at the Public Hearing held on July 6, 2010 before moving to adopt them. The Building Permit Ordinance #04-01 includes an amendment that adds a $500 fee on all new residential construction, the fee to be deposited in the Town of York Rural Land Conservation Program Account . Driveway Permit Ordinance #06-1 includes a non-refundable fee of $500 onto the $300 fee which covers the Town Board’s driveway inspection costs. This $500 will also be deposited in the Town of York Rural Land Conservation Program Account . The Land Division-Development Ordinance #09-01 adds an eligibility requirement to close a loophole. Section 7b. states that the “new land owner(s) can not divide any existing parcels until after five years of ownership…The entity dividing the land cannot for the intent of resale, divide the parcels prior to selling or transfer for the benefit of the buyer(s). Also, in the Tier 2 section of the ordinance a base requirement has been added: One additional dwelling unit will be allowed if 50% of the parcel is placed in a permanent conservation easement, with the acreage in the conservation easement being contiguous. Ordinance #10-1 Creation of the Rural Land Conservation Program and the Rural Land Conservation Committee will allow a one-time endowment fee of $5,000 collected from developers of conservation subdivisions under the Tier 2 option. This fee will be deposited into a separate fund called the Town of York Conservation Easement Administration Account , the revenues to be used for maintenance and operating activities associated with easements held by the Town. There were no public comments, so the Board moved to pass each amendment and the ordinance separately. Dan Reeson move to adopt Ordinance #10-1 Creation of the Rural Land Conservation Program and the Rural Land Conservation Committee, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried. Steve Hermanson move to adopt the amendment to the Land Division-Development Ordinance #09, Dan Reeson 2nd. Motion carried. Dan Truttmann move to adopt the amendment to the Driveway Permit Ordinance # 06-1, Dan Reeson 2nd. Motion carried. Dan Reeson move to approve the amendment to Building Permit Ordinance #04-1, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried.

Public Comments- None.

Old Business-

Salt Shed Update- Steve Hermanson contacted several persons about the shed and its requirements. To build new or to remodel was also discussed. The Town has many ideas and now needs to make a decision before posting for bids.

Website Redesign-Gil Helland- Mr. Helland talked to the Board about redesigning our website using Dreamweaver software. A conversion would take place over a period of time, and Gil would be working with our current webmaster, Nate Ula. Jill Duerst suggested forming a committee to discuss questions, suggestions, direction and so forth. The Board agreed they would like to hire Gil, informally for a year, but did not make a motion at this time. However, The Board will have to take some time before making that decision. Mr. Helland will, however, begin work immediately. It should take a month or so to make changes to the website. Gil will begin work immediately.

New Business- Tony Jennings -Multi Family Housing- Mr. Jennings did not appear before the Plan Commission last Tuesday, nor did he appear before the Board tonight.

Green’s Prairie Cemetery-Bill Kuenzi- Mr. Kuenzi gave his annual report of the Green’s Prairie Cemetery Association. Some of the events that happened over the past year included, girdling unwanted trees, presenting a Memorial Day event honoring two War of 1812 veterans, and furnishing cemetery information in a box near the stile. There will be a prairie walk on August 1, 2010 from 1 – 2 P.M. conducted by John Ochsner and Tom Mitchell. Future plans include removal of dead trees and reduction of unwanted plants. An annual meeting will be held in September to discuss plans for next year’s Memorial Day event. Bill added that they are still seeking records about the cemetery and those buried there. Fencing issues- Lyle Klosterman- If Lyle decides to sell his farms, he would like to know what rate undeveloped land is assessed at. The assessor would know the different land values. If Lyle proceeds to have a new fence put up, landowners adjoining his property would have to be responsible for their portion of the fence. If they are unwilling to put up the fence or unwilling to pay for it, the Town would have the fence erected and put the charges on the owner’s tax bill. Bridge Inspection Reports- All bridges were inspected in May of 2010. Three bridges came back with minimum maintenance plans, Badger Rd. , Dougherty Creek Rd. and Gould Hill Rd. ( Sawmill Rd. ). Paulson-Emberson Lane- Stumps and a rope are across the road to keep intruders away. Since it is a town lane, Wayne uses it to turn around in that area. The rope has to come down, but the stumps can remain making that area look a little more private. Recycling Ordinance- A citizen is concerned that the recycling supervisor is looking through garbage and has no right to do that. Page 4 of the ordinance under “enforcement”states that any authorized officer may inspect recyclable materials separated for recycling, post consumer waste intended for disposal… in other words, “garbage”. Dan Truttmann feels that this ordinance could use some revisions, making it easier to understand.

Adjournment- Steve Hermanson move to adjourn the meeting, Dan Truttmann 2nd. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Anderson, Clerk