Town of York
Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Please Note: These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting. These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm. The meeting was held as a video conference on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Chairman Steve Van Hout, 1st Supervisor Tim Czerwonka, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, and Clerk-Treasurer Jessica Schlumpf were present. Verification of proper notice was given. Meeting minutes for the Tuesday, September 8, 2020 Board Meeting were presented as well as minutes from the September 17, 2020 Special Town Board Meeting. Steve Hermanson moved to approve the September 8, 2020 minutes as presented; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried. Tim Czerwonka moved to approve the September 17, 2020 minutes as presented; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report- Tim Czerwonka made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.

Bills- Jessica Schlumpf presented bills to be paid. Tim Czerwonka made a motion to approve the bills as presented; second by Steve Van Hout. Motion carried.

Patrolman’s Report- Steve Van Hout reported that Wayne Bue is continuing to mow, and then will start on the treetops. Wayne also reported that the brake chambers need repair, and the oil pan needs to be replaced since it is leaking due to road salt, etc. The board discussed having Jeff Moen look at the mower. The truck is done; it needs to be tested soon. A license plate bracket has been ordered but is not yet in; Wayne and/or Steve Van Hout will install the new license plate bracket once it is received. Discussion was held about possibly renting a plow truck in the event of a truck being out of commission. Cost and options in the event of a truck out of commission will be researched. Our current insurance policy does not cover that possible rental cost. The cost of such an insurance rider will also be researched. Wayne did take down the tree on Hay Hollow Road that was leaning over the road.

Plan Commission Report- Bethany Storm reported that the Plan Commission approved four land division/transfers. The Pondrose transaction tabled last month has been put on hold until 2021. Discussion was held on possibly simplifying the dwelling unit process. Bethany suggested that new sellers contact the Plan Commission at the start of their sale process to ease transfer process issues. Bethany asked whether the Board wanted a Plan Commission member to attend Board meetings as in the past. The Board asked that that practice be continued. There was also discussion regarding Ordinance #16-03.

Public Comment- There were no public comments.

New Business-

  • Gift Cards for Curt Moen, Ann Carlson, and Heidi Hankley- Steve Hermanson moved to approve the purchase of gift cards for Curt, Ann, and Heidi in appreciation for their service to the Town of York; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.
  • News Articles for Town of York Newsletter- Tim and Carrie Czerwonka reported on articles that have been submitted, as well as the need for additional articles. Carrie will contact Bill Kuenzi requesting an article regarding Green’s Prairie Cemetery. It was also suggested that the “Code of Country Living” be included in the newsletter.
  • Rod/Deb Zimmerman Driveway Permit- Discussion was held regarding the driveway request. This is a second driveway to a proposed garage or shop, with a length of about 110 feet, with no need to inspect. Tim Czerwonka made a motion to approve a driveway permit for N8246 County Rd J, New Glarus, at $0.00; second by Steve Van Hout. Motion carried.
  • Holly Siegenthaler Driveway Culvert- Steve Hermanson and Tim Czerwonka inspected this driveway; Steve Van Hout had been inspecting the incorrect driveway. Discussion was held regarding the need for a culvert, the slope of the adjoining property, and possible water diversion needs. Tim Czerwonka moved to table the driveway culvert matter until next month to facilitate inspection by Steve Van Hout; second by Steve Van Hout. Motion carried.
  • Randy and Sue Bach Land Division- The Plan Commission approved this land division. The land was purchased in 1998. Located off Badger Road, Lot 18 is approximately 7 acres, with 1 dwelling unit; Lot 17 does not have any unassigned dwelling units. Steve Hermanson made a motion to approve the land division of Lots 17 and 18 by Randy Bach; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
  • Scott Riedasch/Ann Ott Land Transfer- The Plan Commission approved this land transfer. Steve Hermanson made a motion to approve the land transfer by Scott Riedasch and Ann Ott of Lot 1, CSM 3408 (N8803 Badger Road) with one dwelling unit to Alicia and Chris Hyberger; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
  • Scott Riedasch Land Transfer- The Plan Commission approved this land transfer. Steve Van Hout made a motion to approve the land transfer by Scott Riedasch of Lot 2, CSM 3385 to Patrick and Alison Treleven; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
  • Charles/Paula Severson Land Transfer- The Plan Commission approved this land transfer. Steve Hermanson made a motion to approve the land transfer by Charles and Paula Severson of an empty lot at Lot 8, CSM 3780 with one dwelling unit to Humberto Lopez Samaro and Martha D. Gonzales; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
  • Assessment Contract with Gardiner Appraisal- Board members reviewed and discussed the assessment contract. The base cost has increased to $6,400 with an additional software licensing fee. Steve Van Hout made a motion to accept the assessment contract with Gardiner Appraisal for the sum of $6,400.00 plus the additional software licensing fee; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.
  • Fill Empty Plan Commission Seat- Bethany Storm nominated new resident Cynthia Brown to fill the open Plan Commission seat, as well as acting as Plan Commission Secretary. Steve Van Hout made a motion to accept Cynthia Brown as a new member and secretary of the Plan Commission; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
  • New Glarus Fire District- Ron Erickson with the New Glarus Fire District presented information on the NGFD’s 2021 budget, including required expenditures for replacement turn out gear and helmets. The hose tower needs repair (windows and electrical). Air tanks need to be replaced every 15 years and a new truck will be needed in the future (2024 or early 2025). The new addition was funded through their fund balance, as well as fund raising efforts. Josh Kammerude is the new Fire Chief. The contract with municipalities is renewed every 30 years (up for renewal in 2021), but due to Covid, Mr. Erickson proposed a 3-year extension of the current contract. An extension would provide time to review the contract terms and get feedback from the contracted municipalities. The NGFD will invoice the Town of York at the end of November, with payment due by 1/15/2021.
  • John Samz Driveway– Discussion was held regarding the driveway at Lot 19, CSM 3784 in Prairie Brook on County Road J. Mr. Samz was not present to answer questions. Steve Van Hout made a motion to table the driveway for John Samz at Lot 19, CSM 3784 in Prairie Brook on County Road J until more information can be obtained; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
  • Diane O’Donnell Driveway- Steve Van Hout and Steve Hermanson inspected the driveway, and report that gravel is down, the grade is good, and the turnout is good. Steve Van Hout made a motion to refund the driveway fee of $1,000.00 to Diane O’Donnell for the property at Lot 1, CSM 2654; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
  • James Campbell Driveway- The board discussed the James Campbell driveway. Steve Van Hout made a motion to refund the driveway fee of $1,000.00 to James Campbell for the driveway at N8010 County Road J, New Glarus; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.
  • Proposed 2021 Town of York Budget- The board members and Jessie Schlumpf went through the proposed budget, line item by line item. Jessie will present an updated proposed 2021 budget to the Board before the next board meeting on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 in preparation for the November 16, 2021 Budget Hearing.

    Adjournment- Tim Czerwonka moved to adjourn the meeting; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 pm.

    Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Schlumpf, Clerk-Treasurer