Town of York
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were 1st Supervisor Tim Czerwonka, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, Treasurer Ann Carlson, Clerk Nancy Anderson, Patrolman Wade Jones, and citizens Debbie Fairbanks, Jim Syse, Patty Syse, Keith A. Steffin, April Prusia, Stephen Fabos, and another interested person, Ray Spellman. Chairman Dan Reeson was not present. Verification of proper notice was given. Steve Hermanson move to approve the July minutes, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report– Ann Carlson reviewed the financial statements with the Board, noting that the Town received Shared Revenue of $1077.93. Road repairs in July were $38,225.28 and the Town also paid in $48,077.15 for the new bridge on Poplar Grove Road. Hopefully the Town will be reimbursed for half that amount in early 2016.
Bills– Nancy and Wade presented bills to be paid. Steve Hermanson move to pay the bills as presented, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
Patrolman’s Report– Wade will place a sign on Yankee Hollow Road for a tractor crossing. He also filled a hole on Poplar Grove Road which will hopefully be permanently filled by the end of August. Steve noted that more brush, wood and branches need to be removed on Buckeye Road. Wade will complete that task after area citizens have finished loading up the wood worth taking and before he finishes mowing for the season.
Other Business
- Patrolman-pending September evaluation and cell phone expense- Wade would like the Board to pay $50 per month for use of his personal cell phone. The Town did provide our former patrolman with a cell phone. Steve Hermanson move to pay Wade $50 per month for cell phone use, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Next month both the Board and Wade will come prepared with ideas as to what is going well, not well, what needs improvement all for the purpose of evaluating Wade’s first year on the job as patrolman.
Driveway Permit
- Randy Cullen-(Hustad Valley Rd.)- Mr. Cullen did not attend the meeting.
Plan Commission
- Real Estate Transfers– The Plan Commission was concerned that many real estate transfers were happening without their knowledge and they need to keep their data base current. Luckily, Tim found a website where all real estate transfers for the Town of York could be found. This will allow the Plan Commission to track all transfers. Heidi Hankley was also contacted about the transfers since she was key in setting up the Land Division Development Transfer Ordinance. She felt that the website Tim found was as good a way as any to track the transfers.
- Public Comments– “Bump” on Poplar Grove Road- A citizen called to let the Town know that the gravel on the “bump” in the road is disappearing and it has become more like a hole. Note above under “Patrolman’s Report” that this problem should be gone by the end of August.
Old Business
- Recycling Issues-Purchase Car Mirror Hang Tags-October Distribution– A substantial number of citizens of York move in and out of the area frequently. The recycling supervisors are having difficulty distinguishing who has permission and who does not have permission to use the facility. Nancy presented the Board with a plan to purchase hang tags for all vehicles coming to the recycling center. The Town will purchase the tags and every vehicle coming to the recycling center will have to display the tag. Steve Hermanson move to purchase hang tags for $415.00 and hire help to distribute the tags, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried. There will be more on that subject in the September newsletter.
New Business
- Delinquent special assessments-Sherri Hawkins– Green County Treasurer Sherri Hawkins attended our meeting and explained to the Board how delinquent special assessments and charges would now be handled by Green County if York adopts their agreement. It would require York to pay Green County the amount invoiced on delinquent special assessments on a parcel that has been taken by Tax Deed Foreclosure Action. If and when the parcel is sold by Green County, the County would deduct costs, taxes, interest and then prorate and disburse the balance of the proceeds as authorized by Wisconsin State Statutes 75.36(3) or any successor statute. The Board was satisfied with her explanation and will move to approve the agreement at our September meeting.
- Town Newsletter– Carrie Czerwonka has once again agreed to take charge of putting our annual newsletter together. All articles are due by September 8th with the publication going out to our citizens by the end of September.
- Debra Fairbanks & Keith Steffen-(roll back effects of Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court decision)– Debbie and Keith and a small group of citizens are seeking to have a referendum placed on the April, 2016 ballot which would prohibit corporations, unions, non–profits or similar associations from contributing toward campaigns. According to Debbi, a “yes” vote would mean you agree the US Constitution should be amended so only humans can contribute toward campaigns. A “no” vote would mean that you would like the US Constitution to remain as is with no change. The Board is fine with the idea of a referendum, but is concerned about the charges to the Town of York for including this item on the April ballot. The Board will contact Belleville to find out how they handled this matter and whether or not it was effective. Nancy will contact the Green County Clerk’s office for more information about costs. Tim Czerwonka move to table the issue until the September meeting, Steve Hermanson 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
- New Truck Frame Extension for Plow-(add on)– The frame extension for our new truck was overlooked when manufacturing the truck, so that piece is actually added on. That is somewhat disappointing to the Board for various reasons. The truck will be delivered in one or two weeks, and the Board will be on hand to either accept or reject the truck.
- Discontinue recycling aluminum cans temporarily– The price for aluminum cans has come down considerably, so the Board will curtail selling the cans for now.
Adjournment– Steve Hermanson move to adjourn the meeting, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Anderson, Clerk