Town of York Plan Commission Regular Monthly Meeting:
June 6, 2023, 7:00 pm (Central Time (US and Canada))
Town of York In-Person and Video Conference Meeting

Call to order and roll call.


Plan Commission members: Bethany Storm, Daniel Truttmann, Arlo Paust, April Prusia

Public: Jason Rowley, Brandon Orloff, Kristi Leonard, Travis Leonard, John Knicker. Via zoom: Meg Pokorny

Verification of proper notice

Review Minutes of March 2023 Plan Commission Meeting – will be done at July meeting

Review Minutes of May 2023 Plan Commission Meeting – Truttmann moved to approve, Prusia seconded. All in favor. Motion passed

New Business:

Swearing in of John Knicker – complete

Parcel Division Transfer: Brandon Orloff

Land has not yet been officially parcelled. Truttmann moves to approve preliminary parcel division and 1 dwelling unit transfer for Brandon & Kari Orloff at N8793 Sunnyside Rd. Seconded by Paust. All in favor. Motion passed

Parcel Division Transfer: Jason Rowley

Truttmann moves to approve preliminary parcel division and 1 dwelling unit transfer for Jason Rowley at W9124 Hwy 39. Seconded by Storm. All in favor. Motion passed

Land Division: Kristi & Peter Leonard

Prusia moves to approve the dwelling unit transfer and parcel division of 8.2 acres on Vinger Rd from Peter & Kristin Leonard to Travis, Megan, Peter, and Kristi Leonard. Truttmann seconded. All in favor. Motion passed

Truttmann moved to adjourn meeting, Storm seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:26pm