Town of York
Plan Commission Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
The August 2, 2016 meeting of the York Township Plan Commission was called to order by Chairman Curt Moen at 8:15 P.M. Plan Commission members in attendance were Moen, Marselino Miranda, Brian Bubenzer, Linda Yates and Terri Nipple, Plan Commission Secretary. Also attending the meeting was Tim Czerwonka, York Town Board 1st Supervisor.
The July meeting minutes were read by the secretary. Bubenzer moved to approve the minutes as read, seconded by Miranda. Motion approved.
Old Business:
- Updates on Dwelling Unit Allotments need to be sent to Dawn Doran. Nipple reported that she had sent a letter to James and Anna Bliven requesting confirmation of their dwelling unit allotments and received no response. The corrections without the information from Blivens will be sent to Doran by Secretary Nipple.
- The copy of a CSM from Joel Zimmerman was presented to the Plan Commission. Nancy Anderson, Town Clerk had given it to Nipple, who brought it to the meeting. The CSM will be stored in a folder in the Town Hall.
- A proposed copy of the Dwelling Unit Relinquishment Form was brought before the Plan Commission by Nipple. Some changes were made by the Plan Commission. Bubenzer motioned to advance the form with changes made to the Town Board, seconded by Yates. Nipple will e-mail the form to Nancy Anderson, Town Clerk. Motion passed.
- In other “Old Business”, the Plan Commission further discussed Act 391. The consensus is that the word “unreasonable” in the Act would leave a lot to the courts to decide thus, The Plan Commission is not concerned about Act 391 at this time.
New Business:
- Tim Czerwonka, Town Supervisor, presented the Plan Commission with a used laptop computer that he is giving to York Township as a long-term loan/donation for as long as the Township can use it. He has down-loaded significant Township documents such as ordinances, that can be referred to without access to the internet. He gave the Plan Commission a presentation of what information is available on it.
On behalf of the Town of York, the Plan Commission greatly appreciates this donation from Mr. Czerwonka. It will definitely be used by the Town Board, Plan Commission and RLCC.
- No one from the RLCC was available to attend our meeting, however, an update was sent by Nana Schowalter, Chairperson. The RLCC has been studying the Town of Sylvester Science Report and is working on a draft of a proposed Town of York Livestock Siting Ordinance. A request to hold a public information meeting regarding the draft, prior to the September Town Board meeting was denied by the Plan Commission. The Plan Commission felt they would not have adequate time to review the draft of the ordinance before a meeting would be held. The RLCC plans to present the draft to the Plan Commission at the September 6, 2016 Plan Commission meeting.
- The RLCC also requested using some funding that had previously been approved by the Town Board for map printing to mount some maps that they were able to get printed free of charge from Green County GIS. The Plan Commission has again been distressed with the RLCC’s failure to follow the chain of command and come to the Plan Commission for approval of all spending requests. The money approved for printing of maps had not been previously approved by the Plan Commission.
The Plan Commission wants the RLCC to understand that prior approval of all requests presented to the Town Board must first be approved by the Plan Commission!
Motion to allow the money to be used for mounting the maps was made by Bubenzer, seconded by Nipple. Motion approved.
A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 was made by Bubenzer, seconded by Miranda. Meeting was adjourned by Moen.
The next meeting will be held on September 6, 2016 at the York Town Hall.
(Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple, Plan Commission Secretary)