Town of York
Plan Commission Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, December 1st, 2015

The York Township Plan Commission met on December 1, 2015 at the York Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Curt Moen at 8:01 P.M. Verification of legal posting was given and roll call was taken. Members in attendance were Moen, Marselino Miranda, Brian Bubenzer, Linda Yates, and Terri Nipple. Others in attendance were Dan Reeson, Bob Bergman, Nana Schowalter, Todd Hasse, Kris Hasse, and Mark Harried.

The November 4, 2015 meeting minutes were read by Secretary Terri Nipple. Yates motioned for approval of the minutes, seconded by Miranda. Minutes were approved as read.

The Plan Commission discussed adding more language to the Land Division/Development and Transfer Ordinance. In November, 2015, the Plan Commission voted to change wording regarding the transfer of dwelling unit allotments to state that all retained dwelling unit allotments must be attached to a tax parcel. At the December meeting, it was further discussed that a resident could also relinquish dwelling unit allotments if they so desire. The Plan Commission plans to work on re-writing the wording at another meeting.

The Plan Commission continued discussion of the issue of CAFO’s. Bubenzer made a motion to reconstitute the Rural Land Conservation Committee (RLCC) with a focus on CAFO’s and lean toward establishing a one-year moratorium on CAFO’s. The motion was seconded by Yates. Motion passed.

Bubenzer reported to the Plan Commission that he will be meeting with Dawn Doran and Heidi Hankley soon, regarding updates to the township dwelling allotment database.

Todd Hasse of Hasse Surveying presented a request from Mark and Marcia Harried to combine parcels 531.01 and 531.02 and parcels 532 and 533 into two (2) tax parcels, one on each side of the road. It involves a total of 97 acres, with 5 dwelling unit allotments. The existing dwellings are grandfathered in. The appropriate form from the ordinance was submitted and Hasse promised to bring a copy of the CSM to the Plan Commission. A motion was made by Miranda to advance the Harried proposal to the York Town Board. Seconded by Bubenzer. Motion passed.

The York Township Comprehensive Plan review was tabled for another meeting.

A motion was made by Miranda to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Bubenzer. The meeting was adjourned by Moen at 9:10 P.M. The next meeting will be held on January 5, 2016.