Town of York
Plan Commission Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

The York Township Plan Commission met on Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at the York Town Hall. Verification of legal posting was given. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Curt Moen at 8:05 P.M. Members in attendance were Moen, Marselino Miranda, and Linda Yates. Others in attendance were Nana Schowalter, Bethany Storm, April Prussia, and a resident bystander. Plan commission members who were absent were Brian Bubenzer and Terri Nipple.

The December 1, 2015 meeting minutes were read by member Linda Yates. Miranda motioned for approval of the minutes, seconded by Yates. Minutes approved as read.

Old Business

  • Following a discussion lead by Chairman Moen regarding adding additional language to the Land Division/Development and Transfer Ordinance, Moen tabled further discussion and re-writing of that portion of the ordinance due to the absence of two Plan Commission members.
  • Chairman Moen addressed the Seitz transfer by stating that the survey for the driveway was signed off by Dan Reeson and it was accepted as complete by the county.
  • Moen reviewed the Todd Hasse of Hasse Surveying request for parcels 531.01 and 531.02. Moen is still waiting on the Harried proposal to be submitted to the York Town Board before action is taken.

New Business

  • Bethany Storm addressed the Plan Commission with the request that the Plan Commission adopt the RLCC’s plan for a moratorium on CAFO’s in York Township. A motion was introduced by Miranda to wait one month until the next meeting when hopefully all Plan Commission members are present. Motion was seconded by Yates. Motion approved.
  • The RLCC membership consists of Bethany Storm, Bob Bergmann, Nana Schowalter, April Pruissia and Dan Truttmann. The RLLC met on January 4, 2016 at the York Town Hall. The proposed 12 month moratorium consists of restriction of 750 animals. A 1200 pound cow is one unit; other animals mentioned were 2.5 pigs equal one unit.
  • The Plan Commission reviewed the York Township Comprehensive Plan. A motion was made by Moen for the plan to stand as is. The motion was seconded by Yates. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Miranda to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Moen, who adjourned the meeting at 8:50 P.M. The next meeting will be held on February 2, 2016.

Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple, York Plan Commission Secretary (from meeting notes taken by Linda Yates.)