Town of York Plan Commission Regular Monthly Meeting:
Plan Commission Meeting Minutes May 2, 2023
Call to order and roll call.
Plan Commission members: Bethany Storm, Daniel Truttmann, Arlo Paust,
guests: April Prusia, Town Supervisor Aaron Gifford, Town Supervisor Travis Leonard, attorney Larry Konopaki, John Knicker (via zoom), Brandon Orloff, Kyle Peterson, David Knuebuel, Patrick O’Neill, Jason Rowley
Verification of proper notice.
Public Comments:
Interest for membership if we need to not have overlap between boards.
It is quite common to have overlap between boards
Aaron Gifford: One person of town board is allowed on plan commission
A quorum of town board members are present.
Concerns about losing dwelling units
Minutes of March 2023 Plan Commission Meeting
Tabled until next month: June 2023
Swearing in of new members
April Prusia successfully sworn in
John Knicker to be sworn in June 2023
Discussion with Town attorney Larry Konopaki
Subject: 35 acre acreage per dwelling unit proposed ordinance
Leonard suggested land quality can be a recommendation for division. The township could work with the county land conservation to come up with map for template of ranking land suitable for dwelling units.
Konopaki: These are land division statutes – not zoning.
Truttmann: The underlying goals are to preserve the mission statement. Green County gives little support to agricultural land protection. We can modify current ordinance or create a new ordinance while still allowing land owners to do some development.
Storm: Could changing the split number be effective?
Konopaki: 1.5 acres is current minimum lot size. How much land to get a split? One example: Productive farmland can be incorporated into the idea: 35 acres of productive farmland to get a split or a lower number of acreage for marginal land. Incentives can be incorporated into ordinance. Or there can be an across the board standard. Higher threshold could be needed for a split for prime farmland. A database would be needed to keep track. It is important to start with a solid assessment of all parcels. Suggested eliminating “dwelling unit” language and using “split” instead. Zoning is not part of the land division ordinance. Whether there will be houses associated with these splits or not is a different question.
Storm: Database is updated with all records from 2005 to present. Green County allows for one dwelling per parcel number.
Leonard: Suggested not changing the splits as they currently stand. A map could be created to designate how many splits are available in areas of particular prime farmland locations. This would utilize the existing database.
Storm: What happens when population increases? What responsibilities change for the township?
Konopaki: More employees would be needed. More means more, in every way. Keep road budget under control. It is unknown if any other township has an ordinance based upon farmland quality. Options to consider: 70 acres needed for a split or 35 acres needed for a split. Clustering: Maybe small lots can be clustered, but only if clustered on big tracts of farmland. Next step would be a working meeting.
Transfer of dwelling units: Jason Rowley
Patrick A. O’Neill Section 5 Parcel number 0089.1000, sold 25 acres of 44 acres to Jason Rowley: parcel number 0085.1100. Proposal to transfer 3 dwelling units from O’Neill to Rowley. Dwelling unit transference was unclear at the time of sale. Both landowners present. Truttmann made a motion to approve transfer of 3 dwelling units. Seconded by Prusia. All in favor.
Transfer of dwelling units: John & Holly Knicker
Section 23032 Parcel Numbers: 0382.2100 (4.16 acres) transferring to 0382.2300 (4.16 acres). Intended use: possibly construct small duplex for daughters, no transfer of ownership. One dwelling unit being transferred. Zero remaining dwelling units. Truttmann moved to approve dwelling unit transfer. Prusia seconded. All in favor.
Truttmann moves to adjourn, Storm seconded, All approve. Meeting adjourned at 9:08pm