Wednesday, November 4, 2015 Minutes-York Township Plan Commission

(Note change of date due to PC member’s attendance of a countywide meeting of interest on Tuesday, November 3).

The November 4, 2015 meeting of the York Township Plan Commission was called to order by Chairman Curt Moen at 8:00 P.M. Verification of legal posting was given. Roll call was taken with Moen, Linda Yates, Brian Bubenzer, Marselino Miranda, and Terri Nipple all present. Others in attendance were Bob and Tony Seitz, Steven Zipsie, and Tim Czerwonka (representing the York Town Board).

Minutes of the meeting were read, motion for acceptance made by Miranda, and seconded by
Bubenzer. Minutes approved as read.

Old Business: A discussion and sharing of information regarding CAFO’s (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) was held by the Plan Commission. Following the discussion, Bubenzer suggested that we pursue a CAFO moratorium ordinance in line with the one recently passed by Sylvestor Township. No further action was taken.

New Business: Bob and Tony Seitz approached the Plan Commission regarding a land division proposal. The couple presented a completed Preliminary Parcel Division/Transfer Inquiry Form. The Plan Commission was told that the County has been out regarding the driveway. They wish to separate 22 acres off of a 30.5 acre parcel. The plan includes transferring one (1) dwelling unit allotment. It has an original CSM dated 1997. Miranda moved to approve the land division request with one (1) dwelling unit allotment being transferred. Seconded by Yates. Motion approved by Plan Commission. Moen told the Seitz’s that a CSM must be presented for their request to be forwarded to the York Town Board.

Steven Zipsie approached the Plan Commission with a request that a clerical error regarding their property be corrected on the data base.

Moen also stated that an update needs to be made on the Lien property.

Following a discussion regarding the transfer of Dwelling Unit Allotments, Bubenzer made a motion to recommend to the Town Board that the Land Division/Development and Transfer Ordinance be amended to state that all dwelling unit allotments must be attached to a tax parcel. Motion was seconded by Miranda. Motion approved.

Miranda made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Yates. Meeting was adjourned at 9:32 P.M by Chairman Moen. The next meeting of the York Plan Commission will be December 1, 2015.

Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple, Plan Commission Secretary.