Town of York Plan Commission Regular Monthly Meeting:
Tuesday November 07, 2023, 7:00 pm (Central Time (US and Canada))
Town of York In-Person and Video Conference Meeting

Call to order 7:02pm

Roll call: John Knicker, Bethany Storm, Arlo Paust, Dan Truttmann, April Prusia. Public: Diana Kaiser, Paul Wheeler, Jason Rowley

Verification of proper notice. Meeting was posted at the Town Hall and on on Sunday, November 5, 2023

Public Comments: The Pondrose Estates would like their driveway plowed by the township. Blanchard township offers to plow driveways for a cost.

Minutes of October 2023 Plan Commission Meeting reviewed. Motion to approve minutes by Storm. Seconded by Truttmann.

Questions & Answers regarding land purchase: Diana Kaiser is planning to purchase property from Paul Wheeler. However, the sale would put Wheeler’s septic on Kaiser’s property. Wheeler would like to expand his property line by 2.5 acres. The Plan commission suggested Wheeler divide property before selling.

Discuss procedure necessary to combine parcels: A surveyor and resulting Certified Survey Map would be needed to combine parcels. Currently, when parcels are combined, the dwelling units are added together. A new land division ordinance may change this.

Continue to discuss future land division examples:  The committee composed a resolution to send to the town board. Storm moved to forward the land division ordinance revision resolution to the town board following review from the Town’s Attorney. Truttmann seconded. Motion passed.

Adjournment: Truttmann moved to adjourn the meeting. Prusia seconded. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 8:40pm