Minutes of the York Town Plan Commission Meeting, Tuesday February 1, 2022

The February 1, 2022, meeting of the Town of York Plan Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Bethany Storm. Storm verified that the meeting was legally posted on the Townofyork.org website and at the York Town Hall.

Roll call was taken by Storm, Plan Commission Chair. Members in attendance: Bethany Storm, Terri Nipple, and Arlo Paust. Others in attendance: Town Board members Dan Truttmann and April Prusia; residents Chuck Bauer, Jodi Bubenzer, Bob Bergman, and Nana Schowalther. This meeting was held via Zoom.

The secretary’s report of the January 4, 2022 minutes prepared by Brown. Paust moved to approve the minutes with a few editorial changes, seconded by Nipple. The motion passed.

Public Comment:

There was none

New Business:

Review of edits to Goals, Objectives and Policy Recommendations section of the Comprehensive Plan submitted by Chuck Bauer and Todd Larson. Board went through the changes line by line and accepted most and rejected a few. Paust motioned to accept the changes. Seconded by Nipple. Motion passed.

Review of edits submitted by Terri Nipple. Editorial updates accepted and discussion about updating more data sets if possible. Arlo Paust will update the historical information to better reflect modern day. Storm will work to incorporate the editorial changes and gather more recent data. Paust motioned to accept the changes. Seconded by Nipple. Motion passed.

Update from Plan Commission Chair:

Public Hearing on Updating the 2022Town of York Comprehensive Plan set for Tuesday February 8, 2022, at 6:30 p.m.

Old Business:


Adjourn:  Paust made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Nipple. Motion carried.

Storm adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

(Respectfully submitted by Bethany Storm, Plan Commission Chair)

The next monthly meeting of the York Township Plan Commission will be held on Tuesday March 1, 2022, in person and via zoom.