Minutes of York Township Plan Commission Meeting-Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The September 1, 2020 meeting of the York Township Plan Commission was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Acting Chairman, Bethany Storm. (Former Plan Commission Chairman Curt Moen verbally resigned following the September 8, 2020, York Town Board Meeting).

Storm verified that the meeting had been posted on the York Township website and at the York Town Hall.

Roll call was taken by Acting Secretary Terri Nipple. Plan Commission members in attendance on Zoom were Bethany Storm, Linda Yates, Marselino Miranda, and Terri Nipple. Others in attendance, also on Zoom were Steve Van Hout, Township Chairman; Steve Hermanson, 2nd Township Supervisor; Jessie Schlumpf, York Township Clerk; Curt Moen, Dan Stephanel, Harold Thompson, and Nikki Matley.

Miranda moved to approve the minutes from the August 4, 2020 Zoom meeting. The motion was seconded by Yates. Motion passed.

Dan Stephanel approached the Plan Commission with a request to split approximately 5 acres and the buildings from a 25 acre parcel that he purchased in 1988. The parcel # is 230-3204581000. This will be known as Lot 1 and no dwelling unit allotments will transfer on this lot. The remaining acres will be Lot 2. It is a wooded parcel to be retained for hunting and recreation. One dwelling unit will be retained on Lot 2. Miranda motioned to refer the land division proposal to the York Town Board, seconded by Yates. The motion passed.

Harold Thompson and daughter, Nikki Matley appeared before the Plan Commission on Zoom with paperwork and a CSM for a land division/transfer after Joel Zimmerman obtained a variance at a previous Town Board meeting. The proposal was for 42.7 acres and One (1) Dwelling Unit Allotment would transfer with this transaction. A question and discussion about an existing stone structure on the property was brought up. As the stone structure was not considered a dwelling in 2004 when the Township’s Comprehensive Plan was written, the structure was not grandfathered in. Zimmerman had done some updates on it in the past four years. The Plan Commission needed more information to determine if the owner had used a dwelling unit allotment on this structure. The Plan Commission knew that Thompson wanted to build a structure on his parcel and would need to have a dwelling unit allotment to do this. Miranda made a motion to table the request, seconded by Yates. The motion to table the request was passed by the Plan Commission. The petitioners were offered an opportunity to return to the Plan Commission prior to the upcoming Town Board meeting if they were to request and pay per diems for a special meeting. They would let Acting Chairman Storm know of their decision.

Next on the agenda was a land transfer request by Demma of Pond Rose Holding Company in Section 26. They wish to transfer lots 2-7 and 9 to 1989 TR LLC. (Demma did not attend the meeting, but sent the required paperwork). Miranda motioned to send their request for a land transfer to the York Town Board, seconded by Yates. The motion passed.

The Land Division item by Randall was a no-show.

Curt Moen was in attendance to inquire about a possible land transfer/division variance that may involve clustering some of his dwelling unit allotments. No action was taken.

Acting Chairman Storm is recommending that the Plan Commission do a Five year review of the Comprehensive Plan and procedure for governing Ordinance #16-03. It will be put on the agenda for a future meeting.

No old business was brought before the Plan Commission.

Public Comment: The Plan Commission was greeted by two Town Board Members and the Clerk, who were all on Zoom.

Miranda motioned to adjourn, seconded by Yates. Motion passed and the meeting was adjourned by Acting Chairman Storm at 8:19 p.m.

Our next regular Plan Commission meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 6, 2020. It will likely be on Zoom again.

(Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple, Acting Plan Commission Secretary).