Town of York Plan Commission
April 3, 2013
The April 3, 2013 meeting of the York Township Plan Commission was called to order by Heidi Hankley at 8:05 P.M.
Members present were Brian Bubenzer, Heidi Hankley, and Terri Nipple. Curt Moen joined us later. Also in attendance were Brad Bennett and Todd Hasse.
The February meeting minutes were read by Terri. No meeting had been held in March due to bad weather. Brian moved to accept the minutes as read. Heidi seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as read.
Brad Bennett and Todd Hasse from Hasse Surveying approached the PC regarding a land division. Brad wants to purchase approximately 5.8 acres from Ronald Strommen. They are presently working on the CSM but weather has delayed it. The Green County Highway Department will approve the road access to the property.
Following a discussion, including informing them that the number of development units should be reported on the CSM; Heidi made a motion to forward Brad Bennett’s proposal to the York Town Board. The motion was seconded by Terri and approved by the PC.
Heidi updated the PC on the progress of the land tracking project. The data base has been completed by Dawn Doran. It took her 15 hours. Heidi brought a sample of the data base to show the PC. The info came from tax data. Each parcel was assigned a LUID (Land Unit Identification) number. The data base also includes flags on some contiguous parcels that have discrepancies. These are parcels that need to be further reviewed by the PC or the York Town Board. Chip Hankley will be distilling down the issues and summarizing these problems for the PC. Further work on the project will continue in the near future.
Due to the efficiency of Ms. Doran, the initial work on the data base took a lot less time than was expected. In light of this, Heidi will recommend to the board that they pay Ms. Doran for the hours plus a bonus. We would also like the board to ask her if she would be interested in further work, should such work become available in the future.
Brian also stated that there may be a few parcels that we may need legal advice on. The PC will also need to be thinking about how to post the map on the web site for the public comment period.
After Curt’s arrival the PC updated him on Brad Bennett’s land division request. He was also updated by Heidi on the Land Tracking Data Base and discussion continued. Heidi stated that she plans to attend the York Town Board meeting to update them on the project.
Also a discussion was held regarding some compensation for Chip Hankley, as he did a lot of work prior to hiring Ms. Doran and continues to help the board analyze the information that has been put into the data base. No decision was made on this issue.
The PC also discussed the possibility of meeting with representatives from the Towns of Adams, Washington, and Jordan to share ideas. We will discuss this further at the May meeting.
Curt moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Brian. Heidi adjourned the meeting at 8:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple, Secretary.