Town of York Plan Commission
Thursday, April 3, 2014
8:00 P.M.
York Town Hall
The April meeting of the Town of York Plan Commission was called to order by Heidi Hankley at 8:02 P.M. Roll call was taken with Brian Bubenzer, Heidi Hankley, and Terri Nipple attending. The PC learned that Marselino Miranda has recently become a member of the Plan Commission. He was sworn in by Dan Reeson at the last York Town Board meeting. Welcome Marselino! Marselino was in attendance as well as Evan Lemenager, who is on tonight’s agenda.
Minutes of the March 2, 2014 meeting were read. Brian Bubenzer moved to approve the minutes as read, seconded by Heidi Hankley. The minutes were approved.
Evan Lemenager reported to the PC that he wishes to divide a 40 acre parcel of land that he purchased recently. Lemenager has a buyer for the house, buildings, and 12 acres of this parcel. He stated that this 12 acre parcel will not include any additional Dwelling Unit Allotments. The PC recommends that the deed for this transfer state that there are no additional Dwelling Unit Allotments being sold with this parcel. Marselino Miranda made a motion to approve Lemenager’s plan, Brian Bubenzer seconded the motion, and the motion was approved. Lemenager was told that he could advance his plan to the York Town Board when he has a Certified Survey Map. In addition, Lemenager was told by the PC that his two units on this parcel with stay with the remaining 28 acres.
Mr. Lemenager is on the Plan Commission in the Town of Adams. While he was here, he asked about our Land Tracking Project. He was told that we are putting the finishing touches on our plan and would be happy to have a meeting with their township in the near future to share ideas.
Heidi updated the PC on the work that she and her husband Chip have been doing on the maps that are tied to the Land Tracking Project. They have incorporated new data from the County into the maps. They plan to forward the maps as PDF’s to the York Town Board prior to their April meeting. On a future agenda,
the PC needs to plan the final stage-maintenance of the data base. Some of the next steps need to include a plan for recording and filing. Forms will need to be developed, possibly a file for every section.
Terri Nipple reported that copies of the revised ordinance (including some highlighted, pending information (dates, etc) were given to Nancy Anderson on April 1. Nancy will take them to the Town Board meeting. The Plan Commission recommends that legal counsel review the ordinance before a public hearing is held.
The Plan Commission strongly recommends that the website be improved and updated. E-mail addresses are not functioning, and some pertinent information can not be found on it.
Bubenzer moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 P.M. This motion was seconded by Miranda and the meeting adjourned.
The next meeting is May 6, 2014.
Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple, Secretary.