Town of York Plan Commission

September 3, 2013

The Town of York Plan Commission did not meet in September.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The August 6, 2013 meeting of the Town of York Plan Commission was called to order by President, Curt Moen at 8:04 P.M. Verification of proper notice was given. Members in attendance were Curt Moen, Todd Larson, Heidi Hankley, Brian Bubenzer and Terri Nipple. Minutes of the July 2, 2013 meeting were read and amended. Brian moved to accept the minutes as amended. This motion was seconded by Heidi and the minutes were approved.

The Commission continued their work on the Dwelling Unit Tracking Database project. Heidi informed the Commission of individual anomalies found when Chip Hankley reviewed the data work that had been done by Dawn Doran. The Commission reviewed each land unit in question. Representatives from the PC will present the PC’s plan for resolution of these anomalies to the York Town Board at their August meeting.

The following is a synopsis of some of the anomalies found:

Issue #1. Names are slightly different. This variation usually occurred because the middle initial may or may not have been used. The PC is recommending the board accept these variations as contiguous parcels and group them as per ordinance.

Issue #2. Co-ownership (usually husband/wife) on one parcel and single ownership (one name only) on another. The PC is recommending that these be treated as two separate units. Parcels would not be grouped.

Issue#3. A minor variation in a name, for example, most likely one parcel being titled in an owner’s maiden name. Verification will be needed in these situations.

Issue#4. Parcels meet at a corner and share less than the 66 feet of common boundary called for in the Land Division Ordinance (Section 6: Definition, see definition of “Contiguous”).

The following land units were reviewed and discussed:

Land units 02-003 to 02-007 owned by David/Mary Erickson have variations depending on whether a middle initial was used or not. The PC recommends grouping these units.

Land units 08-013 and 08-014. (Peterson) These parcels fall under the Issue #2 category because one is co-owned and one is titled as single ownership. The PC recommends that these be treated as two separate units.

Land units 18-005 and18-006 (Jackson) is another situation where there is a slight variation in names due to middle initial. The PC recommends grouping these parcels.

Land units 19-002 and 10-003 (Syse) –Co-ownership/single ownership. PC recommends that these be treated as two separate units.

Land units 20-003 and 20-006 (Pamela Fleck, John Fleck and Pamela Banfield) Banfield may be a maiden name. This needs to be verified before parcels are combined into one unit.

Land unit 20-016 (Co-ownership, Reeson): The PC recommends that this co-owned parcel should be a separate land unit from adjoining parcels that are under single ownership.

Land unit 07-027 (Strommen) is a unique situation-not deemed contiguous because property borders Iowa County-Moscow Township).

Land units 14-004, 14-005, 14-008 (Klosterman). These parcels have a slight variation in naming due to the middle initial issue. The PC recommends that they be grouped.

Land units 14-001 and 23-001. (Betty Arnes Revocable Trust). The PC recommends that these be grouped.

Land units 17-004 and 17-005 (Betty N. MacDonald) Issue #4: The PC recommends that these units are not combined because they do not share the ordinance-required 66 feet of common boundary.

Representatives of the PC will take notes to the York Town Board. If approved, Chip Hankley will amend the maps and add a column to the database indicating the number of dwelling units allotted to each land unit.

When the map is complete, the PC will request the board to initiate a “Public Comment” period. The PC also held a discussion on how to inform the public, but no decision was made.

Heidi made a motion to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Todd. Meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. by Curt Moen.

The next meeting of the Town of York PC will be September 3, 2013.

Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple, PC Secretary.