Town of York Plan Commission
Meeting Minutes for December 6, 2011

The meeting was called to order and those present were; Heidi Hankley, Brian Bubenzer, and Todd Larson. The secretary’s report was read and a motion to approve as corrected was made by Brian, second by Todd, motion carried.

Commission members discussed Dan Truttmann’s questions regarding the draft signage ordinance that were emailed to PC members. The members approved of the responses sent to Dan by Todd. The other board members were also included in Todd’s response email. The PC will try to have a representative at the next board meeting to address any other questions that come up.

Heidi reported that little progress was made in the past month to develop a tracking system for dwelling units in the Town. There have been no new leads on a basic template or digital tax data. The Commission agreed that we should move forward with what we have and try to develop our own system. Heidi will work to obtain last year’s digital data from Green County and request this year’s data digitally as well. The PC will review this data at its next meeting. It will also discuss changes that will need to be made to the Land Division Ordinance and the “Preliminary Parcel Division Inquiry” form to facilitate tracking dwelling units for each parcel.

The Commission members tabled discussion of the review of building fees because we did not have sufficient information about the item to hold discussion.

The members also tabled discussion of DATCP-Agricultural Enterprise Areas until further clarification from the board could be obtained regarding the conflict between the proposed Farmland Preservation map and the comprehensive plan map.

Motion to adjourn was made by Brian, second by Todd, meeting adjourned. Our next meeting is Tuesday, January 3, 2012.

Respectfully submitted,
Heidi Hankley for Kelly Hermanson