Town of York Plan Commission
December 4, 2012
The December 4, 2012 meeting of the Town of York Plan Commission was called to order by V.P. Heidi Hankley at 8:05 P.M. Roll call was taken. Those in attendance were Todd Larson, Brian Bubenzer, Heidi Hankley and Terri Nipple. Also in attendance was Marselino Miranda from the Rural Land Conservation Committee (RLCC). Chip Hankley joined the meeting at 8:20 P.M.
Minutes of the November 7, 2012 meeting were read and corrected. Todd moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Brian seconded the motion. Minutes were approved.
Todd reported that he was approached by Bob Bergman regarding the quit claim deed brought before the Plan Commission by Dan Reeson at the November meeting. Todd stated that he advised Mr. Bergman to approach the Plan Commission in person with more information and the Plan Commission endorsed that proposal.
Heidi reported that the Agricultural Enterprise Area (AEA) application was passed on to the York Town Board. We look forward to their guidance regarding this.
The Plan Commission learned that Green County has approved Farmland Preservation.
Heidi brought Marselino Miranda up to date on the ideas that the Plan Commission has regarding tracking data of density units. Chip Hankley has been working with Heidi on devising a data system to use for tracking density units. He joined the meeting and together he and Heidi explained the plan to those in attendance. Todd expressed his appreciation on behalf of the plan commission for the work that Chip and Heidi have put into this project.
The Plan Commission felt they are ready to move the project forward by recommending to the York Town Board that they hire someone to do the data entry.
Brian made a motion to endorse the proposal and ask the York Town Board how to proceed and if we could use RLCC money to fund the project. The motion was seconded by Todd.
Brian also acknowledged the considerable effort Heidi and Chip have made regarding this project.
Heidi volunteered to attend the York Town Board meeting to ask them to endorse the proposal, approve funding, and give direction to the commission regarding how to proceed.
Heidi will also ask the board if the Plan Commission should draft a new ordinance regarding drafting a new parcel tracking program.
Todd recommended that a new tracking ordinance have three parts:
A) Notification to the Township of the institution of the tracking system. (Notification that references the fact the current data base will be on the website and require a deadline for responding if changes need to be made).
B) Make maps available on website for public comment period
C) Notice of requirement that all land division or land transfers come before the Plan Commission and the Town Board.
The Plan Commission plans to discuss the parcel division ordinance at the next meeting.
Brian moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 P.M. The motion was seconded by Todd and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple, Secretary.