Town of York
Plan Commission Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The December 6, 2016 meeting of the York Township Plan Commission, held in the York Town Hall, was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Curt Moen. Verification of Legal Posting was given by Moen. Members present at the meeting were Moen, Brian Bubenzer, Marselino Miranda, Linda Yates, and Terri Nipple. Also attending the meeting were Robert Helmeid and Jacob Zander.

The minutes of the November 1, 2016 meeting were read. Miranda made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Seconded by Yates. The minutes were approved.

Old Business:

  • Moen reported on his follow-up of the Artis Valen proposal. He talked to the surveyor. Moen feels that getting a driveway permit from the county would be questionable. The Plan Commission would allow the division but will they be able to build on it? We are waiting for a Certified Survey Map (CSM). It looks like there would be one dwelling unit allotment on the data base.
  • An e-mail sent to Nipple from the RLCC states that they continue to work on the siting ordinance. They are meeting 2X a month and have requested to be on the January meeting agenda.

New Business:

  • Robert Helmeid presented a proposal to sell 120 acres of cropland off of his farm. Presently the farm is 217 acres with 10 dwelling unit allotments. Moen told Helmeid what his options could be regarding the 10 dwelling unit allotments and urged Helmied and the buyer to spell it out on the CSM to avoid issues in the future. A motion was made by Bubenzer to advance the proposal to the Town Board with a favorable recommendation pending acquisition of a CSM by Helmeid prior to the Town Board meeting. Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Miranda made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Bubenzer seconded the motion. Moen adjourned the meeting at 9:19 P.M. The next meeting of the York Township Plan Commission will be held on January 3, 2017.

(Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple-Plan Commission Secretary)