Town of York
Monthly Plan Commission Board Meeting
Tuesday, February7,2023
The Tuesday, February 7, 2023, meeting of the Town of York Plan Commission was called to order at 7:00 pm by acting chair Dan Truttmann. Truttmann verified that the meeting was legally posted on the website and at the York Town Hall. The meeting could also be joined via Zoom.
Roll call was taken by Brown. Members in attendance: Cynthia Brown, Arlo Paust, Dan Truttmann, Aaron Gifford, town board member Travis Leonard and other attendees, Curt Moen, Dave Kuehnel and 8 people via zoom. J. Rowley, J. Knicker, M.Muench, M. Pokorny,T Larson, B. Bergman.
Minutes for the Tuesday, January 3, 2022, Plan Commission Meeting were presented. Truttmann made a motion to approve the minutes. Paust seconded. Motion carried.
Public Comment:
Curt Moen. Question/comment: I recommend making dwelling units release voluntary. Are funds being offered to buy them back? I haven’t talked with anyone that is for the recommendations.
Dave Kuehnel-Question: Can you explain the current recommendations that is being discussed for the land ordinances.
Business Items
* Land Transfer-Hendrickson- town board for approval
* Discussion of proposed land ordinances.
Truttmann moved to adjourn meeting at 8:05pm Gifford seconded. All approved.