Plan commission Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, July 5, 2017
8:00 p.m.

The July 5, 2017 meeting of the York Township Plan Commission was called to order at 8:01 P.M. by Chairman Curt Moen. The meeting was legally posted on and at the York Town Hall. Plan Commission members in attendance were Moen, Brian Bubenzer, Linda Yates, Marselino Miranda and Terri Nipple. Other attendees were Larry and Marie Hendrickson, Scott from Bug Tussel, Lexie Harris and April Prusia.

The minutes of the June 6, 2017 were read. Bubenzer moved to approve the minutes as read; seconded by Yates. Minutes approved.

New Business

  • A representative from “Bug Tussel” presented a drawing of a planned 300 foot fixed internet wireless tower to be built on a 40 acre parcel of land owned by Ron Strommen. The tower will be built on the land with a 40 year lease. It is a steel tower that is engineered for 4 co-locators (other carriers). Bug Tussel told the Plan Commission that the tower has been approved by Green County Zoning. His purpose at the meeting was to request a drive way permit. The Plan Commission had a lot of questions regarding the project. One of the concerns of the Plan Commission was the close proximity of the guyed wire to the road. Bubenzer moved to advance the request for a driveway permit to the Town Board with the suggestion that Bug Tussel tweak the location of the guyed wire to keep the fence further set back. The motion was seconded by Miranda. Motion passed.
  • Larry and Marie Hendrickson approached the Plan Commission with a proposal to sell all but 7.66 acres of their farm to Jeff Hendrickson. Larry and Marie will be retaining one dwelling unit allotment with their 7.66 acre parcel. The other five allotments will be included on Jeff Hendrickson’s parcel. Yates motioned to advance Larry and Marie Hendrickson’s proposal for land division to the York Town Board, including retaining one dwelling unit allotment for themselves. The motion was seconded by Miranda. Motion passed.

Old Business

  • In regard to discussion held at a previous meeting, Moen added a request from Lexie Harris, a local realtor, to the agenda. Harris reminded the Plan Commission that April Prusia wishes to purchase a parcel of land currently owned by Robert H. and Jacqueline S. Kegebien. Bubenzer moved to advance to the Town Board with a favorable recommendation, the proposal to transfer land from Kegebein to Prusia. Seconded by Miranda. Motion passed.
  • Regarding the Barbara Moen/Zeihli Land Division Proposal, Moen stated he has not signed the Land Division form from this party. It was not brought to him.
  • Regarding Concerns and Considerations on the Township Website, the Plan Commission decided to have Dawn ask Chip/Heidi Hankley for headings and descriptions of abbreviations used on the Dwelling Unit Allotment Data Base. In continued discussion, Bubenzer motioned to recommend to the Town Board that Dawn Doran add a glossary to define terms associated with the dwelling unit data and additionally, that Dawn Doran be given administrative access to the website for the purpose of updating the data base. Miranda seconded the proposal. Motion passed.
  • Residential Driveway Bridge-The Plan Commission has continued to seek information and discuss possible specifications regarding a residential driveway bridge ordinance. Miranda, who is on the Blanchardville Fire Dept., brought in info that a fire engine with equipment, water, and personnel would weigh about 38,000 pounds. Other information was discussed. The Plan Commission wrapped up discussion by stating that one requirement should be that “the capacity of the bridge” should be posted. The Plan Commission will continue to do research. We do not want to “re-invent the wheel”.

Bubenzer moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Miranda. Moen adjourned the meeting at 9:39 P.M.

The next meeting of the York Township Plan Commission will be held on August 1, 2017.

(Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple, Plan Commission Secretary.)