Town of York Plan Commission
June 7,2011
The first item to take care of was the swearing in of officers, they were, Curt Moen 3 yrs., Brian Bubenzer 3yrs., Todd Larson 3yrs.
The meeting was called to order and those present were, Curt Moen, Kelly Hermanson, Heidi Hankley, Todd Larson, Brian Bubenzer, Dan Reeson and Dan Truttman. The Secretary’s report was read and a motion to approve as read was made by Heidi and 2nd by Brian. We continued with the election of officers. Curt will stay on as Chairman, Vice Chair is Heidi, Secretary is Kelly.
We discussed ways to keep track of the parcels in the township. Heidi will talk to Chip Hankley to see if he has any ideas.
Green County is rewriting their Farmland Preservation, which will involve the townships.
The RLCC will be put on hold until there is a reason for them to meet. In the Procedure for Approval of Land Divisions, on page 3
the actual date needs to be added. Heidi made a motion to send this to the town board with the addition of the date on pg. 3,2nd by Todd.
The question was asked if there are any rules for putting up signs in the township. We thought it would be a good idea to put together some specifications for this, Todd will be looking into it.
A Motion to adjourn was made by Brian and 2nd by Heidi. Meeting adjourned. Our next meeting will be July 5,2011.
Respectfully Submitted
Kelly Hermanson