Minutes of York Township Plan Commission-
June 3, 2014
York Town Hall
The June 3, 2014 meeting of the York Township Plan Commission was called to order by chairman Curt Moen at 8:01 P.M. Present at the meeting were Curt Moen, Heidi Hankley, Marselino Miranda, and Terri Nipple.
The minutes of the May meeting were read by Terri Nipple. Miranda moved to accept the minutes as read. Hankley seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.
Curt Moen reported that he and Dan Reeson met with the township attorney regarding revisions of the Land Division, Development and Transfer Ordinance. The attorney felt that the document, including the recent revisions, looked fine. Hankley will e-mail the town board about our revision. She will also ask Nancy Anderson about labels and a time-line for notifying the township about the dwelling unit allotment data base and the ordinance. The Town Board will eventually need to hold a public hearing regarding these documents.
A letter, worked on by the PC in a prior meeting, will be brought to the July meeting and reviewed/revised. Hankley also provided each PC member with a copy of two forms from the above mentioned ordinance. The PC will need to decide if the forms can be merged and determine if anything needs to be added. The form should also encourage the land divider to state the number of Dwelling Unit Allotments allotted on the CSM (Certified Survey Map).
Miranda made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 P.M. Seconded by Hankley. Meeting adjourned by Moen. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, July 1, 2014.
(Submitted by Terri Nipple, Plan Commission Secretary)