York Plan Commission Minutes
March 4, 2014
The March meeting of the York Township Plan Commission was held on March 4, 2014 at the York Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Curt Moen, President at 8:15 P.M. In attendance were Curt Moen, Brian Bubenzer, and Terri Nipple. Also attending were Dan Reeson and Jacqueline Leighton. The secretary report was read by Terri Nipple. Brian Bubenzer moved to approve the minutes as read and the motion was seconded by Curt Moen. Minutes were approved.
Jacqueline Leighton appeared before the PC to ask questions about subdividing her property. She is considering selling her property and wanted to know more information about the land division ordinance before she made any decisions regarding how she might list her property. Curt answered several of her questions regarding land division and driveway restrictions. He also informed her that the PC would need to see a Certified Survey Map before they could approve any plan.
Kim Peterson and Cindy Allbee-Peterson sent a plan to erect solar panels on their property with Dan Reeson. The PC learned that a public hearing had already been held with the County Highway Commission. The PC found no issues with their plan. The plan will be referred to the York Town Board for approval.
Heidi Hankley was unable to attend the meeting and had previously e-mailed her thoughts on the Land Division Ordinance revisions. She also recommended that the ordinance be reviewed by legal counsel before a public hearing is held and it is voted on. The PC concurs with her thoughts and finalized their revisions to the ordinance. The revised ordinance will be sent to the York Town Board prior to their April meeting.
Tuesday, April 1 is Election Day. Therefore, the next meeting of the Plan Commission will be Thursday, April 3, 2014.
A motion to adjourn was made by Brian Bubenzer and seconded by Terri Nipple. The meeting was adjourned by Curt Moen at 9:22 P.M.
(Submitted by Terri Nipple, PC Secretary).