Plan Commission Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
The March 7, 2017 meeting of the York Township Plan Commission was called to order by Chairman Curt Moen at 8:02 P.M. Verification of legal posting was given. Plan Commission members in attendance were Moen, Marselino Miranda, Linda Yates and Terri Nipple. Others in attendance were Todd Hanson, Darin Erickson, Dennis Lee, Julie Lee, and Travis Leonard.
Minutes of the February 7 meeting were read by Secretary, Terri Nipple. Marselino Miranda moved to approve the minutes as read. Yates seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.
Old Business:
- Delores Winden’s Proposal- Travis Leonard presented survey documents from Delores Winden. Dwelling Unit Allotments were listed. Miranda made a motion to advance the proposal to the York Town Board. Yates seconded the motion. Motion passed. The CSM still needs tax parcel numbers.
- Bob Helmeid Proposal-Moen told the Plan Commission that Bob Helmeid has finally given him the requested, completed forms with tax parcel numbers on it. The forms have been advanced to Dan Reeson, Town Board Chairman and the information will be given to Dawn Doran for the Township Dwelling Unit Allotment Data Base.
New Business:
- Darin Erickson representing the “Pecatonica ATVers” presented a history of the ATV club’s effort to expand trails in the area. They are presently trying to get a trail approved from Blanchardville to Argyle. Blanchard Township is on board with the plan. They would like to be able to travel on a designated route thru some of York Township’s roads. Miranda made a motion to advance their request to the York Town Board. The motion was seconded by Yates. Motion passed. If the Town Board approves their request, the ATV club will need to reappear before the Plan Commission with the route they wish to use.
- At the request of the Town Board Chairman, Dan Reeson, the Plan Commission took a few minutes to discuss some criteria that should be included in a driveway bridge ordinance. There are a couple of situations in the township where the writing of such an ordinance may become necessary.
Yates made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:32 P.M. Seconded by Miranda. Meeting adjourned by Moen.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 5, 2017 (due to Tuesday, April 4 being an Election Day).
(Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple, York Plan Commission Secretary).