Town of York
Plan Commission Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
The November 1, 2016 meeting held in the York Town Hall was called to order by Chairman Curt Moen at 8:02 P.M. Verification of Legal posting was given. Plan Commission members present were Moen, Marselino Miranda, Linda Yates and Terri Nipple.
Minutes of the October meeting were read. Miranda moved to approve the minutes as read, seconded by Yates. Minutes approved.
Old Business:
- Yates shared information from the RLCC Information Session she and Nipple attended (regarding the RLCC’s work on the CAFO Siting Ordinance) held prior to the October 11 Town Board Meeting.
- Nipple reported that she had sent Dawn Doran some responses to her data base update questions.
- Moen reported that he had gotten a question about combining two lots in Prairie Brook Sub-Division. Moen stated the party will probably eventually need to approach the Plan Commission regarding Dwelling Units.
New Business:
- Ardis Valen and Talarczyk Land Surveys sent a land division proposal via Town Clerk, Nancy Anderson for the Plan Commission’s consideration. The Plan Commission has some questions on the proposal, but no one was there to answer the questions. Moen will call Robert Talarczyk for clarification.
- A draft of a submission to the York Township Newsletter was presented by Nipple. Minor revisions were made. Miranda made a motion to submit it as revised, seconded by Yates. Nipple will submit the article to Nancy Anderson, Town Clerk.
- Green County is asking townships for input on a proposal to combine lots/ parcel numbers for tax purposes only. A motion to advance the proposal to the Town Board was made by Miranda, seconded by Yates. Motion approved. The Plan Commission wants residents to know that participation would be voluntary. Read it carefully.
Public Comment:
- None
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Miranda, seconded by Yates. Moen adjourned the meeting at 9:24 P.M.
The next meeting of the York Township Plan Commission will be held on December 6, 2016.
(Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple-Plan Commission Secretary)