Town of York
Plan Commission Meeting
November 7, 2018
York Township Plan Commission Chairman, Curt Moen called the November 7, 2018 meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. Moen verified legal posting of the meeting on the Township website and at the York Town Hall. Roll call was taken with Moen, Marselino Miranda, Linda Yates, Bethany Storm and Terri Nipple all present. Others in attendance were Todd Hasse, Kristen Hassse, Keith Steele and Greg Peterson.
The minutes of the October 2, 2018 meeting were read. Miranda made a motion to approve them as read. Yates seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as read.
New Business
Greg Peterson wishes to sell buildings and 1.68 acres, creating a new lot. He added a little more land and buildings to the original house. The land division is off of a 50 acre parcel. The house came off of a 40 acre parcel. No dwelling unit allotments will transfer with this transaction. The dwelling units will stay on bare land. Storm motioned that the Plan Commission approve the transaction and advance it to the Town Board. The motion was seconded by Yates. Motion approved.
Todd Hasse, Hasse Surveying, Monroe, WI is representing the Fritz and Ann Bauman Estate regarding a land division. The land division will create a new lot of 4.76 acres and the existing house. No dwelling unit allotments will transfer. This parcel is in Section 34, #230032-0736.0000. Storm made a motion to approve the land division from Fritz and Ann Bauman Estate to Kraig Bauman. The motion was seconded by Yates. Motion approved.
Keith Steele wishes to combine 2 lots in order to build a shed on County Rd. H , Blanchardville (formerly the Billy Lageson farm). No dwelling unit allotments are involved. There is a shared driveway for this property. Storm motioned to approve combining lots 2 and 3 (CSM #2839). Miranda seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Old Business
A discussion was held about changing the Preliminary Parcel Division/Transfer Form. Terri Nipple will prepare a draft of the revisions for review and possible approval at the December meeting.
The meeting ended with a discussion regarding resolution of the problem the Plan Commission has been having regarding updating the Dwelling Unit Allotment Data Base on the website. The Plan Commission will ask the Town Board to put the item on their agenda.
The Plan Commission discussed possibly moving the meeting start time to 7 p.m. beginning in January. The proposal will be put on the Plan Commission’s December agenda.
Miranda motioned for adjournment, seconded by Storm. The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m. by Chairman Moen.
The next meeting of the York Township Plan Commission is scheduled for December 4, 2018 at 8:00 p.m.
(Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple, Plan Commission Secretary)