Town of York
Plan Commission Minutes
October 1, 2013
The October 1, 2013 meeting of the Town of York Plan Commission was called to order by Curt Moen, President at 8:00 P. M. In attendance were Curt Moen, Brian Bubenzer, Todd Larson, and Heidi Hankley. Minutes of the August 6, 2013 were read by Todd Larson. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Brian Bubenzer, seconded by Heidi Hankley. Minutes were approved as read. No meeting was held on September 3, 2013.
In regards to old business, Hankley, Larson, and Bubenzer reported on their attendance of the Town Board meeting of August 13, 2013:
– Anomalies previously identified in names of individuals holding title to various land parcels: resolutions for each category of anomaly, as well as each individual anomaly, were proposed to the Town Board, which endorsed all such proposals.
– In the meeting, discussion addressed means for procurement of a dedicated laptop in order to maintain the tracking database up to date. Subsequent to the meeting, Chip Hankley advised, and the Plan Commission concurred, that Cloud space would be a more practical means for maintaining the tracking database.
– First Supervisor Truttmann committed to looking into server space on which to maintain the tracking database.
In further discussion by the PC, Moen raised a recent case in which the Town Board granted approval for construction of a new house on the premise that the existing house would be torn down, without impact on dwelling unit number entitlement. The Plan Commission underscored that, going forward, it would need to be consulted in all applications for construction of new residence – as well as any land division or sale of any proportions – to enable that the Commission make timely pronouncement as to dwelling unit entitlement and entry into the tracking database.
New Business: Various issues were discussed relevant to future maintenance of the tracking database:
-Chip Hankley would take the necessary steps to ensure that the data will be ready for posting to the tracking database in timely fashion.
-Each land unit will have its own PDF file in the database, corresponding to the name of the landowner. It is envisioned that there will be a dual system going forward. First and foremost, the tracking database, and secondly, a hard copy filing system to be held at the
Town Hall entailing one binder for each Section (thus 36 total such binders).
-There will need to be a new form, similar to the existing Preliminary Parcel Division
Inquiry form, reflecting categories of cases and procedures for such cases to pass before
the Plan Commission before being considered by the Town Board.
-Quarterly, all updates will be passed to a Database Manager for entry into the tracking
-Annually, upon receipt of related tax parcel data from the county, the Database Manager
will engage in reconciliation. It will occur between such data, from the county and the
database, for which has been updated quarterly.
A detailed Task List was discussed to ensure all necessary steps are taken once the tracking database and public introductions are launched:
-Bubenzer will draft text for, and the full Plan Commission will
expeditiously provide comment on, a letter of notice (of the online tracking database).
-This letter will be advanced to the Town Board for approval to be included in Town tax mailings before the end of
the year, inviting corrections on the basic land ownership data.
-Hankleys will continue to make revisions to the tracking database in preparation for
Carlson to post the database and related information on the cloud server.
-Bubenzer will draft a press release (in keeping with the above letter to residents, for
inclusion in the Town tax mailings) about the tracking project and related work of the
Plan Commission, for members of the Commission to provide comment on.
-Larson will review the current Land Division Ordinance with a view to bringing
the text up to date in its reference to the tracking database and related procedure.
-Hankleys will draft forms and schematic representation relevant to gathering and
maintaining the tracking database.
-Bubenzer will review earlier flow chart for tracking dwelling units, and propose any
necessary updates.
-Plan Commission will, together with Town Clerk and Secretary, run through a mock
land division and test the data collection system.
-Moen will discuss land divisions and transfers of the past few years so that any pending
land divisions or transfers, since adoption of the original version of the relevant
ordinance, can be retroactively compiled and included in the tracking database.
Next meeting Tuesday 5 November.
Meeting concluded 9:25 pm. Motion by Bubenzer, second by Hankley.
Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple (from notes taken by Todd Larson).